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RE: Philosophizing on the elite and carnism.

in #writing6 years ago

Thanks! Definitely been having a lot of interesting ideas lately.
I generally agree with your message and what you said, though am a lil confused about this part.

With the abundance of food (among developed nations) people could easily go several days eating a vegetarian diet and still receive all of the nutrients and variety that they need and crave.

According to all the research I've seen, plant eaters tend to be the healthiest group with the least disease. Those who eat a lil fish sometimes are similarly close.. Yet.. Going back thousands of years our ancestors debated this same subject, and would argue how wasteful consuming livestock is, and the ethics of killing animals for any purpose.

The original Christian gospels actually show Jesus and all of his followers except for one to be plant eaters and opposed to exploiting animals. Going back further fossil evidence shows our Paleo ancestors rarely ate meat, it was like 1% of their diet.

And if we evolved from the animal kingdom our closest relatives also eat like 99% plants.. So.. I'm not sure what you mean when you say developed Nations have enough plant food for people to go several days and get all their nutrients.. The default condition appears to be one of eating plants and it's the cheaper and healthier route according to the data I've seen.

Other than that though I agree with what you said totally! We tend to sort of suppress it when we do harm to others, and try to justify it as well. And sometimes it may be necessary, like in self defense.. But.. If you don't need to eat animals to survive, then there is no self defense or survival argument there.


Yeah I didn't do a very good job explaining my point. I agree with everything you have said in your reply so I wont recap that.

What I was referring to with this statement

With the abundance of food (among developed nations) people could easily go several days eating a vegetarian diet and still receive all of the nutrients and variety that they need and crave.

is in relation to the mindset of people who eat meat everyday and believe that they must eat meat everyday in order to be healthy.

What I'm saying is that many people have been taught/programmed to believe that eating meat everyday and for every meal is necessary in order to be healthy. However, people can actually get all of their nutrients and be healthy (or healthier) by eating a vegetarian diet.

Some people argue that a person cannot get all of the nutrients that they need while being a vegetarian but that is not the case. There are enough food resources (quantity and variety) to eat a vegetarian diet and be healthy.

I kind of said the same thing multiple times but hopefully that clarifies things.

Thanks for clarifying!

Some people argue that a person cannot get all of the nutrients that they need while being a vegetarian but that is not the case. There are enough food resources (quantity and variety) to eat a vegetarian diet and be healthy.

To be fair.. I am open minded to the idea that some people have somehow become adapted to need animal products. Though I don't think it's our natural or proper food source and I think the overwhelming amount of science shows that we are primarily plant eaters and history shows cultures who have thrived off only plants for thousands of years.. So I mean.. Maybe some people do need it on some level, but I kinda doubt it and I think in general our species is 99% if not 100% plant based in nature and how nature intended us to be.

I am open minded to the idea that some people have somehow become adapted to need animal products.

Yeah I think that's fair

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