Plato's Cave + The Matrix?

in #writing6 years ago

Okay this is going to be a weird post.

Recently I made a post about the occult and was reminded of Plato's Cave.. It's a great metaphor for how when one learns more about the truth that it's difficult to convey that to others and they usually think you're crazy when you go into territory they're not familiar with.

And.. I also had a reference to the movie The Matrix in my article. It was a reference to the unaware people being potential agents.
THEN.. Magic happened as it often does with me and these things. I used skills learned in photographic memory teachings that taught to associate, so.. I associated the two together..

Matrix + Plato's Cave.
Let's see what we can do with this shall we? :)

According to etymology the word Matrix is suppose to mean "womb".

Plus many ancient peoples believe that the caves of earth are essentially the "womb" of mother earth and they believe that humans emerged from the caves into this world and that's where we came from, sort of similar to the process of human birth.

So Plato's Cave.. Could mean.. Plato's Matrix. And it might just be that while the Matrix pulls from many ancient ideas that Plato's Cave was one of the main ones as the name itself seems to have a potential connection here.
Let's also look at a couple other words that help tell the story of this Matrix.

First let's look at Matrix, and this particular example is more word play.. Not etymology, but.. Something to consider.
Ma = Mother/Trix = Tricks?

The rest of these words are the closest etymological definitions I could find.

Maya = Illusion
Matriarchy = Rule by women
Matter = Mater = Mother
Nature = Birth

Also I don't think Plato's name probably adds anything to this puzzle, but just for anyone curious apparently his name is suppose to mean..
Plato = Broad shouldered

There's probably some good MA words I'm forgetting, though the ones above are enough to make the points I'm going to try to make, so let's move on.

I think there's a huge metaphor here I'm still unwrapping and should probably wait before I post this until I understand it more, but.. I'm definitely getting a massive sense of.. Being born into an illusory world.

There's numerous examples of this in the Matrix movie, first stage is the "fool" or a "jester" "actor", he doesn't know what's really going on, he's just playing the part set up for him.

After taking the pill and waking up to the truth, where is he in the movie? In some kind of incubator where he is then if my memory serves correctly slides down a tube into some area filled with water and lights shine on him where he is rescued by the rebels..

This scene is like.. He is being reborn, he's seeing what the world is really like for the first time. Sort of like a "born again Christian" or whatever.. He sees with new eyes and is baptized.

Then what happens? He tries to go back into the Matrix to help.. Once you learn of the "cave" you gotta go back in to try to help the others who are still asleep, even if it kills you.

And.. This kills him, then later he is reborn ALA Jesus Christ and other saviors of times past, the metaphors in this movie are fricking mind blowing if you get REALLY DEEP into it, it covers a wide spectrum, not just the Cave allegory by any means.

When reborn he is even stronger now, almost God like.. But.. As some have theorized.. Maybe the entire time he was still plugged in and never escape, it was just another layer of level of the illusion/Matrix/Mother Tricks.

So.. Does he ever really escape the cave? Or does he just reach higher levels of his own enslavement? The movie never really 100% confirms this in my opinion and it lets us try to figure it out for ourselves.

I can't help but be reminded by one of the most bizarre movies I ever partly watched, and some day I'd like to finish it.. Though.. It just loses me at some point because it's so crazy.

And that's a movie called "The Golden Web".. And it gets into a lot of the.. I'm not even going to say etymology cause it's more wordplay, but the wordplay involved with a lot of stuff around this subject.

I haven't seen the whole movie cause it just sorta bothered me, lol.. But the vibe I was getting was that it was saying that.. Sex and procreation is essentially what keeps us in the Matrix.

As long as we keep perpetuating the species we will continue to suffer in this "hell" and the only way to reach enlightenment or get to "heaven" is basically.. To stop reproducing. Perhaps they are echoing the thoughts that we are all sinners and that humanity is basically like a virus.

I don't like that idea cause I think life could be worth it if humans were more noble and honorable.

Said another way, I don't think it has to be such an incredible hell that it is, so I don't necessarily see the need to throw it all away if people could just learn to truly care about each other and honor each others existences more.

However.. If you wanna get deep into the philosophy involved in regards to "true freedom".. As much as some people wanna believe you can do anything with your mind.. We appear to be stuck in a shared limited reality.

That means that we can never have "true" freedom.. We are chained in certain ways, we have to follow certain rules.. So in a sense.. If you wanna be truly free that is probably truly impossible, thus.. Continuing to be born into this existence does literally mean being born into bondage.

You could argue we are free in some ways, but we are most certainly bonded and chained in others. We are born into slavery even if it's not the human governments of the time, but by the very nature of reality itself. The "Matrix".

Also.. I've met a few people who don't believe we have any free will and to sort of tie this into what was said earlier.. The idea that free will is an illusion goes back to at least around the time of when Jesus Christ was suppose to have existed.. So, this is nothing new. People back then argued that we have no free will, everything we do is planned ahead of time in the programming of reality.

Could this be another aspect of what the movie The Matrix was getting at..? Is this why they hinted that even when Neo woke up that he was still plugged in?

Maybe there is no free will and there's nothing we can do, maybe this is a hell we will never wake up from until we extinct ourselves.

Lol... Once again. I don't believe that, but I do try to stay open minded to the possibilities cause I admit I dunno what's going on.
Even many big name scientist type fellows these days are theorizing that we live in a computer simulation.. So I mean.. Maya/Illusion Matrix/Mother Earth/Nature.. Maybe there's something to it! Maybe this is an illusion.

Also I just wanna end this by hinting back to some of my earlier articles about the possibilities of a secret "female" class of rulers.
I've made quite a few fascinating posts going into the etymology of words and ancient stories not many people even know about like "Lilith" the true first wife of Adam in the garden who ended up becoming a sort of evil spirit who was believed to be responsible for killing babies and all kinds of nasty stuff.

I just have to wonder.. What if.. It is truly women who run the world? They just want us to think men do.
Maybe it's really a Ma-triarchy and not a Pa-triarchy like so much of the world believes. Those in power are good at hiding things in plain sight and where you wouldn't expect.

I kinda think that's silly and besides the point to be straight forward though, I don't see it as a gender thing myself really.
Both genders are both complicit and innocent you can't broad brush a whole gender like that in my opinion.

Whether men or women truly rule the world, their spouses go along with it. And.. We have men and women on the opposite side fighting back and resisting. It's not about gender like that, BUT.. Some of the ancient metaphors and language are really interesting especially in this light of "continual rebirth" being an "illusion" or a "trick" and something which keeps us in bondage as opposed to true freedom.

To be straight forward, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some kind of aliens running things that have no gender! Or which are hermaphrodites or some gender we've never even heard of before.

I don't pretend to know what's really going on, I'm not sure it's possible to even truly know. Though.. I do enjoy thinking about the possibilities and trying to figure out and under/over/innerstand this world that is around me, whatever it is.. Whether real or illusion or a combination of the two!

Okay I think I've said enough on this for today, thanks for reading this bizarre post if you did! Hope you learned something, and I imagine there's more to this "rabbit hole/cave/matrix" that I will learn in time, I feel like even though I've learned a lot, there's still so much more to learn and contemplate!

OH.. PS.. I forgot to mention, right when I merged the Plato's Cave idea with the Matrix, literally.. Within like.. A minute or less I was scrolling down YouTube and I saw that I wasn't alone in this discovery.. Truthiracy also made a movie about this which I'm about half way through right now.

I think it's cool when that happens! I've learned a ton from others, but also much of this crazy stuff I've learned is because I did the work and spent the time to track down the meanings and history to the best of my ability and so many of these things I find, I genuinely find myself and then learn later that other people also discovered those same things!

To me.. That says something interesting, that researchers who have never met and who are living in different places around the world, are finding these same ancient puzzles and mysteries and are separately putting together a sort of picture which paints a story.

It's a major confirmation to me that I'm on a interesting path and it's sort of like.. We're separately remembering our hidden collective past.. And together we can build off of each other and help each other understand more what all of this means.. :) K. I'm gonna shut up now! Peace! :D

Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

Might as well drop this link here as well, maybe I can finally finish watching it sometime soon now that it's on my mind again. Watch at your own risk, it's crazy.


I like the analysis (or breakdown) of the movie the matrix - especially its name "mother-tricks." That is interesting. Especially after you pointed out the scene where Neo travels down the tube (i.e. birth canal) and is re-born. That movie is amazing in how deep it is. It was probably one of the most influential movies I've ever seen. I'll have to check out the "Golden Wed" movie at some point. Sounds interesting as well.

To add to what you are saying I personally believe that the idea of truth is just another illusion - another layer of the matrix.

As humans, we view reality through a lens of our own subjectivity. The brain filters our sensory data and gives meaning to it by analyzing how it relates to our previous experience, information that we have gathered in our lifetime and a variety of cognitive heuristics (shortcuts). Therefore everything we believe to be true is merely a judgement, based on our brain interpreting the reality it encounters. When an individual looks deep enough at the information, they can usually find examples that disprove their theory of truth - if not objectively then surely subjectively by sampling other viewpoints. However, because of the psychological heuristic called confirmation bias, we typically only pay attention to ideas that confirm our theory. As such, we get stuck believing that our interpretation of reality is truth. Often we believe that because we have been exposed to new information (that others are not aware of), we begin to believe that we ourselves hold the answer and that we alone are enlightened. Some people say that they have been "woken" to the truth for instance. But this is just a trick of the mind - a shift in ego to a new sense of self.

The only truth is unfiltered (i.e. non-interpreted) sense data. Once the brain interprets the sense data (i.e. puts words, meaning and judgement's to it) it is no longer a truth - it is merely an interpretation based on our own biases.

With all of that in mind - truth is an illusion. The only truth is silence (uninterpreted sense data).

That's just my way of thinking about things. It may not even make sense to others though hahaha.

Therefore everything we believe to be true is merely a judgement, based on our brain interpreting the reality it encounters. When an individual looks deep enough at the information, they can usually find examples that disprove their theory of truth - if not objectively then surely subjectively by sampling other viewpoints. However, because of the psychological heuristic called confirmation bias, we typically only pay attention to ideas that confirm our theory. As such, we get stuck believing that our interpretation of reality is truth.

Well said! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

The only truth is unfiltered (i.e. non-interpreted) sense data. Once the brain interprets the sense data (i.e. puts words, meaning and judgement's to it) it is no longer a truth - it is merely an interpretation based on our own biases.

I can vibe with that though I don't know if it's true or not.

With all of that in mind - truth is an illusion. The only truth is silence (uninterpreted sense data).

I tend to agree but once again can't absolutely claim such and be able to prove it.. However.. What if there was truth in all of the illusion as well? Maybe it's a mix.

can't absolutely claim such and be able to prove it.. However.. What if there was truth in all of the illusion as well? Maybe it's a mix.

Yes I agree. I should have mentioned that though I am stating this in a way that sounds very "matter of fact,"I am actually just philosophizing and that they are just ideas or different ways of thinking.

Interesting observations. I'd like to hear more.


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