I just saw a bobcat, and "almost" filmed it.

in #writing5 years ago

It's been lil a while since I've done a more personal sort of blog post and I doubt anyone cares much, but I had a rare animal encounter today and figured I'd share.

I was out testing my new camera which was gifted to me by my father and two ladies walked by and told me there was a bobcat down in the wilderness area there.

It's been one of my GOALS in life, lol... To film a bobcat or a mountain lion because they are so rare. I've probably seen like 3 or 4 bobcats around here and never seen a mountain lion up close but maybe some far away.

I quickly headed down into the bushes in the direction of where they said and grabbed my camera and got it on the tripod and I set it up and then saw the bobcat walking through.

And... It walked through before I could even zoom in on it. Lol.
I was ready, had the camera out on the tripod I was facing in the right direction and I still didn't have the time to zoom in and get a shot... How am I ever going to hope to film a bobcat if I can't even do it when I have my camera out and I'm ready and it walks by...?

I was soooooooooooooooooooooo close! :|
sigh... I'm kind of mad at myself, even though the lighting wasn't the greatest anyways that would have been major for me to get that goal completed...

It just goes to show me how extremely difficult it is to film them and how I'll be incredibly lucky if I ever do.
I got curious and wanted to see what the bobcat symbolizes as I tend to sort of take animal encounters as spiritual reflections more and more lately.

This page says...

"They symbolize the importance of ability to be still and wait. That makes them skilful hunters and survivors. Bobcats teach us the value of life, the importance of carefully used time and all the advantages of patience. Playfulness and trickery – Bobcats are clever and cunning, so they also play tricks."

So... Patience, hunter/survivor, the value of life, playfulness, trickster, cunning and clever.
Those are some cool qualities! Hopefully it means my patience will pay off and that I'll be able to survive better and value life more and be more playful cunning and clever.

Not sure about the trickster part... But I think that's akin to the meaning given to coyotes and foxes and it doesn't mean negative tricks, but more like one who teaches others through puzzles and allegories and clever ways like that.

Hmmm... Something to think about, who knows if it meant anything or not... But I like to look up the symbolic meanings and think about such!

Also, I wanted to say that my neighbors have one of the best displays of Christmas lights and stuff I've ever seen, it's so beautiful. They even have a big plastic dragon, lol...
Sedona sure is a unique, magical, fantasy sort of place. Anyways... I hope you're all doing well out there! Seeya later! <3


Better luck next time. 😊

Did you wait to see if it would double back and cross in front of you again? "Patience" and "trickster", maybe it was going to see if you would wait for it to return the way it had come with one of it's kits in mouth making a move to a new location? ...or it was just sitting a few feet away, laughing its furry little bob tail off at you waiting for it to come back...

I do wish you luck on the next go though, some critters are just hard to capture.

I didn't wait perhaps as long as I should because it was getting darker and I wanted to get to a spot to get the sunset, I was thinking about it.. But figured it was long gone and maybe heard me walking after it as they have superior hearing. But haha, yeah... Maybe it was testing me and I failed! And I coulda got something awesome if I stayed. Maybe it was laughing at me too. Clever lil fella. Thanks for the well wishes bashadow! I appreciate it. And yeah.. Some are more difficult than others!

Or he could have been trying to distract you from that sunset shot, one just never knows.

Ah shucks. That's probably the same one i saw recently. I hope you get another opportunity.

I'd say there's a good chance it was the same one you saw. And thanks! I hope I get another opportunity as well. That would be great.

Damn. Too bad you weren't able to film it. But seeing it and having that experience is the most important thing. That's very cool. I have never seen a Bob cat or mountain lion in the wild before. So you are quite lucky to have seen it

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Agreed. Woulda been nice even if I could got a low quality blurry shot just to say I got one even, but oh well. I wasn't quick enough that time, maybe someday I'll get another shot! Lol... And yes, sometimes it's good to just appreciate an experience for yourself even if you don't get to share it with others! that's an important lesson I learned a while back. And yes! Quite lucky indeed. Thanks for the feedback friend!

Your post makes me think about the guy who was attacked by a mountain lion and turned the tables on it and put it in a sleeper hold and killed it. You never know what can happen when you are around wild animals.

Wow.. That's pretty crazy. Good to know in case I ever get attacked by one that I ought to be able to hopefully choke it out since I actually do have some martial arts training and that guy says he did not.
Useful knowledge! Thanks for sharing.

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