Found this educational picture in regards to animal agriculture on Facebook and figured I'd share.

in #writing6 years ago

A good amount of people in defense of animal agriculture will often say things like.. "At least the animals are fed well and given shelter and allowed to graze peacefully and that they essentially have pretty good lives and don't have to worry about being killed by a predator or lack of food and things like that."

And some people even say things like that they wouldn't mind such a lifestyle themselves as long as they get put out of their misery relatively quick and without without much suffering.

But in context of the below statistics.. I doubt they would want to lose that much of their life in exchange for more security/safety.

And ultimately.. That's a personal choice for each being to make and since we can't speak the animals language we can not get consent.

I imagine if we could get consent that most if not all of the animals would rather like to be free out in nature like nature intended.

Even if it's more risky, there's something about freedom for many of us that is much more valuable than comfort and security.

"Better to die on your feet than live on your knees"- A quote I resonate with.

This is a good metaphor for humans politics as well. Do you wanna be free? Or the livestock of human farmers?

If you don't want to be enslaved and treated like a resource maybe you shouldn't do it to others. -.- Just a thought to think about.



That's a striking chart. I don't often think of the meat industry in terms of years lost, but you are completely correct. Ask most people if they would sacrifice that much of their life in exchange for a humane end and I bet nobody says yes. Most of the large scale farming operations are NOT providing humane treatment during life anyway.

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