Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence claims UFOs exist?

in #writing5 years ago (edited)

So.. This is a rather fringe subject that still to this day receives a lot of ridicule and ostracization.. And I don't expect much of a response, but was linked this article by a friend and found it pretty fascinating.

The subject is UFOs/aliens and stuff like that, and I remember one time I met a girl on the dating sites and we were getting along great and then she unfriended me on Facebook and I asked why.

She told me I was "weird" cause I was talking about a legit and real experience I had where I saw a UFO.. And she ignored me after that.

I was pretty frustrated by that cause it was something that really happened to me, I saw something weird in the sky I couldn't explain in terms of known human technology, and I got insulted and ditched because of it.

That was just one example, some people I've met are more open minded and some even appreciate or enjoy the subject.. Though many people still laugh at it and hand-wave it away as crazy.

And now we have... Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence saying..
"We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue," he said. "The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?"

This was during an interview on Fox News and in relation to the recent admission of Navy pilots that they have been seeing UFOs when training.

One pilot described the one that he almost collided with as a "cube" within a "sphere".. Which is really interesting to me! Especially after studying the dark cube conspiracy for a while.

Now.. To be fair, I'm open minded to the idea that these are still human technology, perhaps even our own governments and they just want a scapegoat and to misdirect attention away from such. Though.. Maybe it's really technology or intelligent life from elsewhere, or which we don't know anything about as a species?

This isn't the first government or rather former government official to come out and say these kinds of things, however he seems like a pretty credible one and I think it's a pretty powerful testimony one way or the other.

I've personally seen more UFOs than I can remember at this point, probably between 30-50 during my whole life and have many interesting stories.

Last Autumn when on a hike with my brother we had one of the most meaningful experiences yet where we saw a UFO in the sky doing stuff known human tech can't do for a long time, like over an hour.

Also.. I have a feeling I'm going to see more in time, that it's building.. And in the next 10 years we will probably learn more and more about this phenomena as governments can't seem to keep it secret forever especially with countless people filming new UFO events on a regular basis all around the world.

This really makes me want to go out at night more often and look for UFOs. :) I'm planning on going out to watch the stars again soon cause I just have an interesting feeling about this.. Still kind of scared for a physical meeting, but.. I'm more and more open minded to it! Maybe it'll happen one of these days..

And finally.. I just wanted to say that.. For all those people who think it's weird and a subject worth laughing at and ridiculing.. Like that woman who said I was weird and ditched me for having a real experience seeing something I couldn't explain in the sky.. I wonder how much longer you'll be able to find this a laughing matter when we have more and more people like Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence saying these kinds of things?

To repeat.. This is what he said.
"We know that UFOs exist. This is no longer an issue," he said. "The issue is why are they here? Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that we are observing?"


Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash


After the last week I think I would welcome being abducted by a ufo.

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