A blog post about some stuff going on in my life. And also some thoughts/questions about stock photography.

in #writing6 years ago

I gotta say.. I'm pretty excited today. :)
A lot of interesting things are happening for me.

I'm watching projects I've been working on for a long time finally nearing completion. :)
And.. It feels good!

I'm rendering a movie that was supposed to be released around a year ago that I worked on for around a year which should be done soon and which marks a significant point in my movie making career. I can then finally work on some other video projects that have been waiting that I want to do.

And the IFC (Information Finding Championship) contest on the steem block chain that I came up with the idea for is nearing the end of its first season with the two final competitors battling it out in overtime and I've already been working on aspects of the next season.

Also going to be working on a few other projects soon which I'm excited about.
Plus, I just realized yesterday I need to dedicate some time to getting started in stock photography.

It just hit me more than ever.. And it's something I've wanted to do for years and even dipped my toes in it.. But I never got really serious about it.. Partly cause the site I tried took like months to get videos accepted and it was a clunky difficult site. Though things have changed a lot and.. Now I realize.. I need to and I wish I would have been more serious about it before.

Also going to team up with my father on this one as I think if we combine our images that it will be even more powerful.

Anyone out there use any stock photography or video sites? If so do you have any info you could share?

People are making thousands of dollars a month and it's residual in the sense no more work has to be done once it is shot and uploaded.
Plus I think if anyone can do it.. Why can't I? I have some really amazing photography and videos!

After doing a bit more research I see that.. It looks like Shutterstock alone has over 1 million contributors and over 30 million images. So.. It's not going to be easy. There's an ocean of competition. But.. I'm not going to let that stop me.. I've been watching videos on YouTube from people who signed up not that long ago and are already having results.

This is going to be one of my new main missions for a while.. I really need to change my life and empower myself more and try to make more money.

And.. It might take a couple years to really start to notice the income from stock photography, but.. If I can eventually start making a couple thousand dollars a month on my photography.. That will help so incredibly much with so much of my life. And.. Even if it was just a couple hundred dollars a month.. That would still be very helpful. Every little bit helps. A couple dollars here and there. Though hopefully it's more and not less.

Additionally I just learned about Blackbox which makes it really easy, they send your stuff to like the 4 main places and do all the metadata and stuff I dislike doing.
Yet.. There are some cons to them, they only do video right now and don't show your name/company name for recognition and part of your profit goes to those who do that additional work.

So.. I think want to try Blackbox, but also.. I want to do some of the other sites manually as well.
And I'd even like to do some no copyright stuff at some point and just give some photography away to the people as well.

Anyways.. I think that's about it on my end for now.. I did want to ask though, if anyone who happened to read this has any experience with stock photography? If so, are there any tips or helpful info you could offer? Like which sites worked well for you and stuff like that? Thanks if so! Talk to you later peoples.

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