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RE: [Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 25

in #writing7 years ago

Have I mentioned how much I love that you include social issues in the story, yet?! Especially the issues of sex and gender and their expected roles in society. While it is, basically, about insecurity, it is also a lot more complicated. More than emotion or sex, it's about power and that highlights the social structure of the past into aspects of, not only sex and gender roles, but that of socio-economic status and even into racial discrimination.

I am somewhat agreeing with Madeline in her argument that Helper is still not fully aware of the world and of human behaviour to be able to make informed and critical decisions like engaging in intercourse. But that also raises the question of whether sex to Helper is the same as sex to humans?


All's fair in love and war. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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