Happy and Healthy 'NEW YEAR' to ALL

in #writing5 years ago

Okay...Are you all finished cursing me out for staying away from Steemit so long??? Good...Now I can continue and pretend I didn't hear any of those negative, foul laced words of woe from the lips of my detractors!!!!

Lets all begin anew with this start of the New Year; huh…!?!?!? I think some of you need to change up what you've been smoking or slugging down; you need to chill...2020 looks so well balanced after all. Two twos and two zeros

Okay, so it would look better balanced I guess if it read 2002 or 0220, or something like that, but hell...I like the way it looks. Imagine if we wake up one morning soon, and while sipping on our aromatic java we half-heartedly key our way over to CoinMarketCap.com, scroll down the list to Steem and...BOOM the price is sitting at $20.20!?!?!?!?

I'd bet that would happily raise a few eyebrows, even though you just spat a mouthful of coffee all over your favorite digital device?

Anyway...Getting back to me… I've been in the Holiday spirit. Here's a snapshot below of my artistically decorated front porch, adorned with colorful, twinkling Christmas lights to prove it.


It's been a longgggggggg time since I last put up Christmas lights. I've noticed that fewer and fewer people are decorating the front of their houses in recent years, and hardly any of the stores decorate at all...even though they're eager for our Christmas shopping money.

Here in the U.S.A. there's been an ongoing movement to "fundamentally change" the way our people "need" to speak and act in accordance to the whims of retarded, nut-bags... Depending upon where you live, I suspect some of you fully understand what I'm referring to. How's your feeling of freedom feeling these days over there in the UK, Germany, Australia...etc???


Me...? I say...'screw em all'...I'm planning to remain ME for as long as ME is still lingering around this planet in current form...

HEY check out this little stray kitty cat that showed up on my front porch along with the Christmas lights...looking cold, hungry and sad...


I've been calling him 'GreyBoy' and after putting food and water out for him every day on the front porch, I finally taught him to come around back of the house to hang out and eat where it's much safer for him.

He seemed very nervous trying to eat on the front porch with so many cars and people hurrying by. It warms my heart to see him more relaxed now in my backyard, hanging out and actually taking naps.


Well...I guess that's about it for now my friends. Ole AngryMan better call it quits for now before I expose too much of my softer side and ruin my reputation completely.

See ya when I see ya.




Thank goodness you're back. I was worried you'd lost your way. A very happy new year to you .. but not too happy obviously.

Oooooo….one of my favorite Steemian. I did loose my way Ms Deirdy (about fifty years ago) :>) I'm slowly finding my way back.

Hope ALL is well with you and of course wish you only the best of things in your life for 2020 and beyond.

Happy New Year!

Have you seen the rumor that Justin Sun is trying to buy Steemit. Maybe that could get Steem to $20.20 but perhaps for all the wrong reasons.

Where I live I've also noticed that there have been fewer and fewer Christimas lights over the years and now they are almost non-existent.

You seem to have a gift for attracting stray cats. They are lucky to have you around.

Yes, I've heard that rumor about Justin Sun and Steemit; interesting.

Christmas decorative displays certainly have been diminishing across the US, within public view; quite a change from my younger days here.

You seem to have a gift for attracting stray cats.

Yeah...so it seems. You probably know it better than anyone here from older posts elsewhere, having probably been my first friend on steemit @ninjamike :>) Some neighbors have begun referring to me as the "Cat Man" from what I've learned. How these felines are finding their way to me, remains a mystery, but my heart goes out to them. Maybe it's because I've been homeless too a couple of times in this life?

Happy New Year my friend.

20-20 , like a vision i ones had , a long , long time ago .

Good to hear from you , my two black kiddy's thank you for caring , we wish you a peaceful 2020 , may the balance swing your way ,...... and miss you ;-)

Nice to hear from you too @small1axe … I hope you and those two black kiddys of yours have a wonderful New Year ahead; seems to me that it is well deserved.

Ese gato es muy parecido al mio

Es un gato guapo y dulce.

That's a relief ol' angryman is still top side👍 Glad you are doing well and taking care of the kitty kat. Freedom's are disappearing in Australia 😡 Happy New Year mate😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @j85063 thanks for the show of concern.

Freedom's are disappearing in Australia

Yes, I have been hearing about your Countrymen's plight, along with us here in the US and other Nations. I'm refusing to give in to "Political Correctness" nor feel guilty for celebrating those things I choose . I never thought that an act of rebellion would be to display Christmas lights... I plan to leave them up for the entire year and add a lighted Christmas tree as well (They're on sale now) :>)

Go for it year round.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m sure I’m the only one to think it, so don’t let it go to your stray cat feeding head, nice to see you again—read, whatever this is called.

I don’t think we’d have to scroll too far if steem was running at $20.20, is it even on the list anymore? Maybe I’m not scrolling far enough.

I’ve noticed the lack of lights, too, now that you mention it, I bet it doesn’t have anything at all to do with outrageous energy bills. 🤔 Just a thought. That’s what this platform is designed for anyway, right? “Thoughts.”

Happy 2020, 0022, 2200, whichever looks best for you, they’re all made up anyway, goes back to that thing they made up called time. What’s next, zones? Did I already say it’s nice to see you again? It’s nice to see you again, there, now I’m certain I said it. Typed it... you know what I mean. Well, maybe not, but you definitely knew what I meant when i said “you know what I meant.”

Ps—I’m glad you’re not dead or anything like that and don’t let that one go to stray cat feeding head, either.

don’t let it go to your stray cat feeding head, nice to see you again

Who me !?!?!?!? Let a compliment go to my head??? Of course not...there's no room left in my noggin to fit any more self-praise files in, and I'd hate to delete any from storage :>)

I'm glad you're glad that I'm not dead, unless I'm dead and just forgot to fall over!?!?!? In that case, I'd be sorry to have misled you and wasted your time by your responding to a corpse. ZOMBIE anyone?

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