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RE: So, what if we are about to go extinct? (Ecotrain)

in #writing7 years ago

I'm deeply cynical on this issue...I've even gone as far as saying to fucking stop *posting scientific journal articles if you're going to post about the inanities of celebrity culture on the same page....The disconnect is staggering!
The sad truth is, though, I think there are only about a half dozen scientists who have made any attempt to change their lifestyle even among those who harbor worst case views....
All in all, ​it's a clusterfuck.....
*Huff-Post being the worst exp. on this one...


Thanks for your comment. If I understand you right, you're saying that everyone is just talking about climate change / environmental destruction, but doing nothing about it. It is essentially one more topic of entertainment.
You may be absolutely right about that. It's like how the band played on while the Titanic was sinking. At the same time, these scientific articles are like warning bells. If we're going to stand a chance of averting the worst case scenario, it's going to need everyone to wake up to the seriousness of the reality we are facing.

Your understanding is exactly correct! I have no quarrel with the scientific journals, but scientists fail to understand the significance of hypocrisy and its corrosive nature; they also don't seem to grok that it may not be a bad thing to lead by example on this one!
On hope: the world's leaders in Paris put the most corrupt company in human history in charge of the atmosphere: Goldman-Sucks.......If worst case comes to pass and some survive it will be The Preppers and possibly The Oligarchs who buried themselves deep underground. That's assuming the earth and its life forms survive in some mode which I'm inclined to think they will....I'm not an earth will be Venus believer.

Indeed, witnessing hypocrisy is an infuriating thing. At the same time, most of us are guilty of it to a greater or lesser degree.
Fortunately there are also some incredible people around doing amazing things - leading by example. Check out and support @ecotrain to give more power to inspiring people who are dedicated to being the change.

As for oligarchs and corrupt politicians who would bury themselves underground. They should be aware that there may yet be someone left above ground who would certainly put a big padlock on the door.

Usually, I'd agree with you on hypocrisy but the scale and scope of this problem make your comparison null and void, IMO.. This is hypocrisy on an unprecedented level....
Luthier, eh?
I worked for Larrivee​' back in the day. Loved him as a person but hated his capitalist proclivities.....

There are many obvious problems - hypocrites and liars in positions of wealth and power being just one, as you rightly point out and are rightly angered by. The question is.. what are the solutions? Time is short for pointing fingers of blame.

Are you a luthier too? It's a wonderful craft, but doesn't sit well with capitalist proclivities. Nobody ever went into guitar making to get rich quick - even Mr Larivee, I'm sure.

No, not a Luthier, but this Gibson (my 2nd oldest possession) did go flying off of John's buffer one Saturday morning in 87. John comes running over and laughs and sees no damage done and declares them very well built fucking guitars! :)
Um, no, on C.C.: I've given up hope on this issue. If action and rhetoric have to be congruent to mean anything then the only logical conclusion is that this topic is a money making hoax!
Sorry, I know you won't accept such a view....
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