Trials of a writer. Part 1 in what may be a series. My story idea just dried up.

in #writing7 years ago

As a writer you get your story ideas from the most random of places. With me it's usually from talking to people online, a throw away comment will start the wheels turning and I disappear into my writing program of choice to start and write.

Over the next days I will sit and type away to get the story down and when not typing I'm thinking about what I will write when I get the chance.
Last week I got an idea and each night I began writing a few paragraphs of a story and then posted it here on steemit. This was a story where I didn't know where it was going but each morning I'd have another piece to post. This wasn't going to be a novel that I'd spend months over crafting but more a short story serial.
Things were going well and people seemed to be enjoying it.
Then a couple of nights ago I sat down and there was nothing there, the story-well had run dry.
I don't know about other writers but I can't force a story, it either flows out of my head or I'm stuck.
I've documents on my computer of various stories that I've started and raced through and then left in limbo. I try to back to them later on, read through them and see if the story has returned. It's my own version of Tolkien's unfinished tales.

Writing can be the easiest thing in the world at times as you struggle to keep up with the story coming out of your head. At other times it's an impossible nightmare where you spend hours looking at a screen, typing a few lines and then deleting them just as fast. Before you know it it's gone midnight and the only thing you saved was:


Then another story idea pops up and off you go again.



Good line !


Very creative 🙀

I love that line too lol

I don't like finishing a story I want to keep using the same characters, I could write all day if my work didnt get in the way!

I don't like to leave some characters but sometimes I just don't know where to take them next.

I hate it when I can't think of what to write I also have a couple stories I have hanging in Limbo.... and I think your right we need a bot swatter. Have a bunch buzzing me too...many only upvote at 0-1% ... I mean why bother?... I have upvoted and resteemed your post.

Most of the time I ignore the spam comments but when they self upvote with bots I'm hitting them with my flag hammer.
Thanks for the resteem.

I read a post (not on steemit :/) the other day about Steven King's solution for writers block. In a nutshell, add another problem.

Check it out here -

Thanks, I'll check that out later.

The struggle is very real

i like your post! big like for you!

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