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RE: Exploited at the Airport! My Mom Denied Entry After Flying Across the World (To See Me!) 😫😖😤😭 PART 2!

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

oh no you didn't! broke it up into a part 3 trilogy?! you sure know how to build up the suspense! lol

that's another issue to be keenly aware of too when traveling. 24/7 seems to mean something rather different in other parts of the world, including Europe (land of the 3 hour "lunch break"). I've even had cases where I explicitly asked if someone would be available to greet us at a certain time. You're inevitably always told, "oh yes, of course!"

Until you get there, and the doors are locked and there's no one around. You have to take it a step further... "And just in case we can't find anyone", is there another number to call, or another way to reach someone? Or maybe we can find someone behind that back door up the staircase with the giant knocker?! lol


Haha I am sorry! I thought it was shorter but then she reminded me, it was a full blown nightmare for her so I wanted to make sure I accurately painted the picture! ;)

That is crazy, I wouldn't have thought that would be the case in Europe! I guess it is a risk whenever you start venturing out of the fancier places that would need to have more than one person around at all times :P Guess we shouldn't have tried to skimp out, it ended up costing us tons more this way anyway LOL

It sure is hard when travel goes wrong, especially because you're already tired usually and just want to get where you're going... actually telling this story makes me not to excited to travel anywhere again... though I have my own horror stories of a different nature that I'm telling you guys about... must run in the family :P

actually telling this story makes me not too excited to travel anywhere again...

oh I don't know about that, I didn't want to be a "downer" over it, but truth be told your story reminded me again why I don't like to travel all that much anymore, so I don't think it just "runs in the family"! :)

And to think, I remember a time pre-TSA when I thought the airports, airlines, and the bureaucracy couldn't get much worse... Boy was I wrong on that one! At least they haven't yet confiscated my nail clipper (lucky I didn't hide it in my confiscated bottle of water, though), but boy have I heard stories...! lol

To be fair, (at least in my experience) most cases of travel have some sort of snag or piece that goes slightly unplanned as we can't be prepared for everything and then eventually, the seasoned traveler gets used to these upsets and they are no longer a problem (though it's kind of a problem that problems are so normal!)

TSA is my personal nightmare, I hope I only ever have to fly into the states a handful of times for the rest of my life. (I would say never but my family wouldn't be happy about that!)

Nail clippers are ok, now nail scissors... you're getting taken in for questioning. How do I know? ... just guess lol!

The water thing just continually blows my mind! I have forgotten water in my purse sometimes and ended up with it on the plane with me, where other times, it was the end of the world that I was up to something!

I really want to interview someone to know what it's like on their side of the stick... maybe we're being too judgmental and harsh, it must be a huge responsibility to take on... you know the safety of so many lives and all :S

you reminded me of a comment I wrote on @kus-knee's post a few weeks back that seems especially relevant now! lol

Why Are Prices so High at Airports And Highway Stops?
alexpmorris: another reason that TSA / customs agents take your water bottles away going through the checkpoints. all's left is for them to sell it back to you coming out the other side, or would that make the scam too obvious?! lol

and this one...

How they have not started to charge per use of the bathroom is beyond my understanding.

alexpmorris: some airlines have already tried that too... lol
Link: Paying to Pee: Have the Airlines Gone Too Far?

Last time we went down to Mexico, as their "TSA" confiscated a few of our items, we were able to peak into the barrel full of obscure items they'd "appropriated". Really makes you wonder if they weren't just trying to restock that sales booth out the back side of the airport! lol

Haha well, you know you might be onto something!

In Europe on RyanAir, they charge for toilet use... at least they did 5 years ago when I was flying with them. It was only 1 euro but still... I could not believe the cheapness of that airline lol but then again the tickets reflect that price so, you know, you get what you pay for ;)

I'm sure someone is making a side business off of this. Leaving Vegas, I had this really cool bottle opener that I had paid strip prices for and they were telling me I had to toss it. I refused so they took me out of line, brought me over to UPS and had me pay for everything to ship it back to Canada. $20 later... it never made it to my house! I have always wondered about that one!

:S Somethings going on over there and I don't like it haha

This is what momma gave me for part 3 turns out it will be more than a trilogy! What a story she's got! lol

Wow, it really is turning into a whole saga! On the positive side, at least you have some more great stories to share that can perhaps help others at least somewhat avoid some of these "travel" pitfalls.

However, I had hoped she managed to trade in the expensive exec suite for a more reasonably priced room the second night!

The really amazing part about this is how this woman who was getting nothing in return for her kindness, was so lovingly open and generous.

Always great to come across people like that in the world. In this regard, you may also appreciate my last post...

Link: HURRICANE RESCUE: What would YOU DO with YOUR OWN private JET?

Besides that, looking forward to reading Part 4! :)

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