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RE: The Sunlight Hurts My Eyes // Writing Into New Worlds // Personal

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

How can the sunlight hurt your eyes? Your eyes are the sunlight. You've apparently managed to trap some in your hair as well.

I can be excused for the long timeline because I’ve also been working on not going insane.

If it profits you, it's no longer insanity, but "creative eccentricity". That's really the only distinction.

Days spent drinking beer and eating sour gummy octopi

For shame. Gummi octopi are endangered, and a critical food source for gummi sharks.

downloading mods for Skyrim

There's an official VR version of Skyrim on the way. I'll have to tempt you into spending some of your future Steemit earnings on a Rift.

The way you describe the colors and feelings of your books strikes me as vaguely synesthetic btw. It's very beautiful.

trying to weave for myself a magic spell that’d get me out of my self-imposed misery.
Well, fuck me, I don’t want to write about sadness anymore. Not like that. There’s a lot of things that I don’t want to write about anymore.

Your trash is my treasure. Misery is the most powerful creative fuel there is, and the entire secret to my success.

Still I feel powerless except to gawk at the depth and richness of your writing. It makes me want to wrap myself up in your brain.


If it profits you, it's no longer insanity, but "creative eccentricity". That's really the only distinction.

One thing I've noticed that as a writer you can explain away all sorts of "eccentricities" simply because you write. (Whether it's gynecology articles or fiction) and people just kind of nod their heads and are like "Oh okay" like that makes some sort of sense.

There's an official VR version of Skyrim on the way. I'll have to tempt you into spending some of your future Steemit earnings on a Rift.

I'd love a rift, just haven't been able to justify sinking money into a device yet. It's entirely possibly I might be able to afford one with steemit through some work.

The way you describe the colors and feelings of your books strikes me as vaguely synesthetic btw. It's very beautiful.

I don't have synesthesia (except when I'm on acid) but have very strong.. "sense" feelings, if that stupid phrase makes any sense. Finally getting to know what synesthesia was like was amazing.

Your trash is my treasure. Misery is the most powerful creative fuel there is, and the entire secret to my success.

I can't deny that being fueled by misery has produced a lot of things that I'm proud of. And inside misery I find many things that have pushed me forward to be the person that I am today. I just personally don't feel like it's a sustainable method (for me). I'd like to be able to touch down into those strong emotions, like sadness, without it being the locus for all of my being.

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