[Original Novel] Little Robot, Part 33

in #writing7 years ago

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32

Dreams which show us what we wish for most desperately are the cruelest of all. Because of course, they do not last, and when I awoke it was to the feeling of Helper’s lukewarm thigh stuck to my cheek.

I heard a thump. Then a scratching sound. Must’ve been what woke me. I ignored it, assuming Lars was outside working on the engine or something, until it grew irritating enough that I looked up to identify the source.

There was Lars in the front seat, still sleeping. Madeline too, slumped against the dash. Outside, all around us, a crowd of beat up looking domestic robots clawed at the windows and door handles.

I immediately stopped breathing and couldn’t make myself start again for several seconds. As if that would help us evade notice somehow? That ship sailed before I even woke up. “Lars” I whispered. “Lars!” He didn’t so much as stir.

The sky was the same color I remembered falling asleep to, but the clock in the dash confirmed it was a sunrise rather than a sunset. When did they all show up? One at a time maybe, the noise gradually increasing until the first of us awoke.

“Madeline” I whispered. But I had no more luck rousing her than I did Lars. I moved as little as possible for fear of what the robots might do if they discovered one of us was awake. Would that make a difference?

Finally I reached up, grabbed Lars by the shoulder and shook him until he snorted, gasped and awoke with a start. “Don’t scream” I whispered. I repeated myself a few more times as the grogginess wore off and the reality of our situation became apparent to him.

He stared back at me with wide, bloodshot eyes. I returned his expression, for all the good it did with my mask on. “What the fuck do we do” he whispered back. I shrugged and shook my head. He then looked over at Madeline’s slumbering form.

“She’s going to fucking freak.” I agreed, but knew she’d wake up sooner or later anyway. So I advised Lars to pin his hand to her mouth until she was fully awake and understood the need to stay quiet.

On three, he reached around her head with his right hand and clasped it firmly over her mouth. She awoke, easily more startled than Lars was, struggling violently at first to break free from his grasp. That is, until she saw the robots.

Lars got in her face and held the index finger of his left hand to his lips for several seconds. Once satisfied she understood, he withdrew his arm. Madeline turned this way and that, scoping out the crowd of robots surrounding the car on all sides.

“I knew we should’ve gone back to the lodge while there was still daylight” she whispered. Lars quietly groaned. “What the fuck do we do now? There’s too many behind us to back out. Too many in front as well, and not enough room ahead to turn around anyway. Red didn’t give you any ammo did he? For the road?”

I shook my head. Madeline started to break down. “There’s...something else we can do, isn’t there? Think of something!” Lars scratched his neck anxiously and remained silent. “We’re fucked aren’t we. God fucking damnit. We’re fucking...we’re dead. This is it.”

Lars then tried to argue with her but she grew increasingly upset. Perhaps accepting a reality neither Lars nor I were willing to yet. “I can’t believe it. I can’t believe we made it so far, only for it to end like this. Of all the stupid fucking ways it could’ve happened.”

The two then bickered for a while over whether it was foreseeable. Lars protested that there’d been no sign of robots, save for mangled wreckage, when we locked ourselves in to sleep. From denial to anger, now on to bargaining. I expected depression would set in next, and it did.

We sat there, shivering yet despondent while the machines milled fruitlessly around the car. Jiggling the handles every few seconds, clawing at the windows. None of them were armed, though that would’ve at least shortened our suffering by a couple days.

The sun beat down on us, now well clear of the horizon, until the temperature inside the car finally became bearable. Lars ignored our pleas to run the heater until then on the grounds that we would need it to warm up before sleeping. Already planning out the rest of our miserable lives trapped in this putrid metal box.

I checked the laptop. Still running the sim, battery down to 20%. So I leaned on Lars to plug it into the alternator until he caved when I suggested that, if I could fix Helper, she could open the front gate long enough for us to bulldoze our way in.

Madeline again chided me for taking so long to fix Helper. “You could’ve saved me from freezing my ass off ‘til the sun came up.” Her voice sounded so weary I couldn’t tell whether she was joking or sincerely irritated.

Still no telling whether the gas left in the tank would be enough to keep both the laptop and the cooling system running for the 28 hours or so it would take for the virus to fully run its course. Though I’d already burned through more than a year of simulation time yesterday, that only reduced the wait to 26 hours plus or minus a couple minutes.

I did a little napkin math and worked out that Rhonda’s fuel tank, when full, would keep the engine idling for around 70 hours. Not quite three days. Lars estimated that we’ve got a third of a tank remaining. That’s roughly 23 hours worth.

Of course there’s also the reserve which the gauge doesn’t account for. But still, that’s cutting it awfully close. If it died more than one or two hours short, it would add several days to our wait. How long does it take to die of thirst? I couldn’t remember.

Every minute that ticked by felt like individual life sentences. When you’re a kid, you think waiting for Christmas takes forever. Talk about relativity. Lars tried to strike up conversation a few times, but unsurprisingly there wasn’t much in the way of small talk anybody could make themselves care about given our predicament.

“I need to pee.” Fantastic, I thought. Just when I thought this couldn’t get worse. Madeline repeated her request more urgently. Lars asked what the big deal was. “That’s easy for you to say. You can go into a bottle or something.”

In fact I already had once earlier without anybody noticing. The best we could do was a helmet I found in the trunk. Lars explained it was a freebie at a defense tech expo he attended, representing Evolutionary Robotics.

When I asked why he didn’t put it on earlier he explained it’s basically a prop and would do nothing to stop bullets or prevent head injury. Made an alright latrine though. Then came the problem of how to dump it without opening the door.

The smell rapidly got worse as we argued over how we were going to handle bodily waste going forward. I could roll the window down a hair without giving any of the robots enough space to wedge their fingers in. The problem was, I couldn’t angle the helmet properly to dump through it.

I wound up using the siphon kit, taking special care to get the other end out of my mouth and stuck through the crack in the window as quickly as possible. It did the job, but I hardly wanted to go through all that every time.

Then my stomach growled. Somehow it escaped my consideration that we’d been sent off with no food. The three of us assumed it would be a cakewalk, that the front gate would open right up without any trouble and we could help ourselves to the effectively endless rations inside.

Nobody said it, but I knew what they were thinking. If we got hungry enough, what measures were we willing to resort to? I imagine I’d sooner starve to death than eat another person, but I couldn’t say the same of the others. Not with certainty.

Lars broke the tension by starting a game of I spy. Madeline groaned, but I encouraged it. Got my mind off the prospect of being divided up and eaten should I pick the short straw. “I spy...with my little eye...something red.”

Madeline sighed. “It’s a robot isn’t it.” Lars snapped that the game wouldn’t be any fun with that attitude, then started over. “I spy...with my little eye...something grey.” I asked if it was just a different robot. Lars crossed his arms and grumbled.

The needle now hovered precariously near empty. I checked the sim. 9 hours remaining. No good...no good. Doomed from the start, if you want to split hairs. I didn’t tell the others. Better that they should at least have a shred of hope to hold onto until the end.

Stay Tuned for Part 34!


This Novel seems very intriguing! It reflects so much about our own reality. Can AI would make it real like it depicted in the novel?

The Liton Robot novel is a great novel, I really liked the novel. I used to read the novel of the past day. But today I wanted to get a new post as I wanted to make a detailed novel by Liton Robot. So, getting one post from your post, I am giving this novel to my friends. Share the meeting wants to know more about this story in the new one If you make a new post, then I explain them to them nicely

"I immediately stopped breathing and couldn’t make myself start again for several seconds." O man that sentence really got me by the throat.

Every person when he sleeps dreams of a lot of beautiful things that he wants to achieve, and when he is awake he finds the reality and reality the majority suffers good night. : D

Little but intellegent

The first sentence about the cruellest dreams is so true...
And when you wake up it's only frustration.
But you desperately try to keep this sweet feeling from your previous dream alive.

I've just remembered something from my past. Sad sad sad.

Do I know where you are going on the ship and you are the citizen of a country I know this because I follow you, I love you so much

I would hate to wake up to that! So nasty that he used a siphon kit to get the pee out, I would have been careful as well screw that.

ths is so amaing i am very upset couse i missed it for two days there was some issue with my interent ... thanks for posting loved it like always

Yay 9 hours remaining, and only a wee bit of gas. At least it's not going to be another 4 days to run the sim. I forget, aren't there more robots inside the complex, and some of them are actually bugs?

Lol. Wee bit of gas. And yes, lots of bug-like robots inside. Better the bug on the outside of a robot than the bug inside, I'd reckon.

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