Why Write?

in #writing7 years ago

Imagine a world without writing or the ability to write. Firstly, what you are reading right now won't have been possible.
Writing transcends time and space. God himself had to put down his words in a book called 'The Bible' and several years later, we have millions of people reading those words off of that book which was written a long time ago.

Why Write?

Writing is simply a means of representing emotions and languages with signs and symbols. Motivation for writing can come from diaries, storytelling and journals.
Writing has the ability to keep the entire history of a particular culture thereby maintaining the culture. Imagine a culture or a society without a written history or law, the next generation will simply be unaware of their culture.
Writing is a tool that is used in making languages read. We can both agree that steemit won't exist without writing. As a matter of fact, anything that exist without writing won't exist for long. Information would just be lost to thin air once spoken.

writing has the ability to put agreements and laws on record - H. G. Wells

Writing has made historical consciousness possible and has transcend sight, voice and even death. A king's words spoken and written down with seal could go beyond his generation.
Generations after generations, the writing system has developed and changed. People no longer use scripts, tablets and slats any longer.
In the 21th century, writing has become an important part of our daily life as technology has connected individuals from across the globe through systems such as emails and social media.
These days, written words are no longer stored in an ancient temple or under the ground as were scripts and tablets but we have what is called 'cryptography' and 'the blockchain' which is the safest, known and popular way of saving or storing delicate information.
Finally, I conclude by saying this, the ability to read and write are necessary for most jobs, and multiple programs are in place to aid both children and adults in improving their literacy skills.

Thank you for reading...

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