Left wing madness & How to overcoming tyranny (Video)

in #writing7 years ago

Today i wanted to talk to you about, Victory. How the strategy to winning freedom is well within your grasp. something people ask is, how do we make the world a better place? well, one thing i know for sure is, you are never going to influence the world by being just like it. Look deep within your heart and there lies the answer, buried deep behind all of the indoctrination and prgramming we have been subject to. you are a human being, born with meaning, unique from all other individuals on this earth and your life has value. You are not some insignificant little spec, take pride in knowing that you are special and your voice has power. this is why the far left utilises their attacks on free speech, so you cant have any free thinking speech. Oh your a racist, your a sexist, your an antisemite, your a nazi, all of these are buzzwords to get you to shut up. even telling a joke is not acceptable in todays society, because even a light joke can lead to conversation and conversation, can lead you to resolution. Never underestimate the limitless power and potential you have. you truly are a force to be reckoned with, if only you would free yourself of this false paradigm. Deep behind the lies of this world, await a warrior. One thing that comes to mind is the book 1984, where the people constantly have this yearning for something, but they dont know what it is. its because in this time and place, there is no words for things like freedom, or revolution. these are words that dont exist. the thought police removed them. so they have this constant aching for something without knowing what it is. this is exactly what the political system and the far left are doing today, with their play on equality and social justice.







Lately ive been involved in various networks and nationalist forums and something that ive noticed a lot is, the conversations are immature and the direction is serverly lacking, so it was my hopes to discuss some of the important factors which i think need to be taken on board, and if possible, motivate some of you to be more active. A lot of people within these networks seem to be inclined to take up a form of politics as a means of opposing the far left. However, to label yourself as right wing, can be dangerous. I'm sure most of you out there might already know that both sides of the political spectrum are controlled. and that isnt just some conspiracy theory, you can validate all of this for yourself. In Australia for an example, where I live. All lobyists and donators of a political party have to register with the AEC if their donation exceeds $10,000 anually. If you go to the AEC government run website, they have a list of all the lobbyists who donate to the political parties, when i checked this out the first thing i noticed was the exact same corporations that finace the major left wing party, are the exact same corporations who finance the major right wing party. what i also found out was, by law... all minor parties must vote preference one of the two major parties. so, not only does it not matter who you vote for - as all votes go to one of the two major parties, but even the minor parties appeal to the power of the two major parties. and this is what they call a two party system. the corporations and the jewish elite truly have the system rigged and this isnt just the case for Australia, but all over the world and with a little bit of research, you can come to the same conclusions for yourself.


This is why i take up, what i call, the 3rd position. Now, this takes me back to my original point, which is, to label yourself as right wing, as a way of opposing the left, is a dangerous place and for the most part, a trap. We shouldnt have to appeal to government to change legislation, when their legislation is invalid - as it violates our liberties and human rights. they are so far out of bounds with their draconian laws and a lot of them even make sense. pleading with government to make laws better is like begging a tree to drop its fruit. its futile and weak. this is all a part of the hegalian dialectic. the thesis, the antithesis and the synthesis and ive spoken about this a lot in the past so i wont get into this too much here for the sake of time, but if you wanted to know more about this i suggest you look into lenins theory on controlling the opposition, so there essentially is not opposition. this is something that has also been adopted by the fabian socialists and the freemasons. Now, without digressing, I want all of you out there to think of laws you dont agree with, I also want you to think of laws that you dont neccasarily follow.
many legal experts claim that almost everybody breaks a law everyday without even realising it, this just goes to show how many redundant laws there really are. for an example, do you drink raw milk? do you go camping in the woods? do you cross the road when there is a pedestrian crossing less than 500 meters away? these are just some examples of many, when the law gets in the way of our freedoms.im sure there are a million other examples i could use, but these one come to mind. for another example, if a doctor tells you that you have acquired lung cancer, are you going to go through chemotherapy? or will you go down the ilegal pathway of changing your diet, taking vitamin c injections and treating yourself with cannabis oil? why is it that its illegal to cure your cancer with CBD when the success rate of chemotherapy is less than 2% the point im trying to make here folks is, at what point do people realise that the man made legal system we currently live under is nothing but oppresive and immoral, designed simply to enslave you. it is only through our complicity with these draconian laws, that they become valid. you as an individual need to stop obeying laws that violate your freedom.

pandering to the corporate elites in a jewish controlled democratic system is nothing more than stockholm syndrome, the love of your oppresor, its a form of insanity. One thing that really pisses me off is when people just shrug and say "oh well, its a law now" as if that means anything at all. its like putting yourself in a mental prison that has no bars. through your complicity with this broken system, you give it power. So how do you not give it power? simple, by not appealing to the broken legal system, and there are hundreds of examples i could give you where laws become redundant through widesprad civil disobedience, but one example that sticks out to me is online piracy... online piracy is so rampant that the gtovernment cant do anything about it. millions upon millions of people every second of every day are downloading copius amounts of music and nobody gets busted for it. now sure, im positive there are people who have been busted for torrenting in the past, but youll find these people are the ones who usually upload softwares and content, youll be hard done by finding someone whos been busted for downloading music. so what does the government do? they put out a bunch of advertisments to scare people into complicty and get Internet service providers to block access to these websites. but did this slow down internet piracy? nope, they just use proxies and VPNs. There is no law above Gods law and natural law, the only law that matters. you see, god creates man, man creates government... so thats the cahin of command. man created government to manage infastructure and to make decisions on our behalf, they are our servants and we rule them. we are their leaders and thats the way its suppose to be. even if you dont believe in God, the principal is still the same, they are our employees. dont buy into the false narrative that they are our leaders, because they are not. When you look up at the stars in the sky, when you see the vastness of water in the ocean, when you see the heights of the mountains, know that God put that there for you, for you to have dominian over. all of this belong to you, not the government.


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