Redemption - Steemfest Ticket Giveaway

Living on the outskirts of town with his family, Xander lived a relatively peaceful life.

He put in an honest days work, tending to the livestock that fed his family. 6 days a week, Xander would be up at the crack of dawn, his first order of business was to feed the animals. The chickens, the horses and the sheep. After which he would head out into the pasture and check in on the cows, peacefully grazing without a care in the world. After completing his morning routine, he would take his two children to school, do his daily errands in town and head back home to mend the crops. In the late afternoon he would head back into town to pickup his children, and return home around 5, dinner awaiting Xander and the youngsters. After dinner he would would sit on the front porch with his wife and watch the sun go down. His wife would then retreat indoors and get the children ready for bed, while Xander would usually remain on the porch for another hour or so, his whiskey on the rocks in hand. Life was simple, a stark contrast from just a few years ago.

It had been almost 5 full laps of the sun since Xander had lost his best friend. Xander and Finn had been best friends growing up, through their school days and into adult life. Both Finn and Xander were poised for greatness until that tragic night in early 2013.

Portmouth, the town in which Xander and Finn grew up in, was located on the border of the Darkwoods. The Darkwoods were a place that few dared to venture, full of vile creatures hiding in the shadows. There was one way in and out of the Darkwoods, but those who ventured in were rarely heard from again. The notorious Slanders Troll that inhabited the Darkwoods was thought to have killed any human that cross his path. With the upper body of a troll and the lower body of a snake, this hideous creature was responsible for the death of dozens of townsmen who dared venture through the Darkwoods. People ventured into the Darkwoods usually for one reason, what lay on the other side. The beautiful oasis known as Krakow lay beyond the Darkwoods, full riches beyond your wildest dreams. Krakow was thought to be the last place on earth with an active Steem fountain. Those who drank from the Steem fountain gained longevity of mythical proportions. One sip from the fountain of Steem brought a lifetime of riches and happiness.

Finn and Xander had long heard stories of what lay just beyond the Darkwoods and often pondered whether the rumors were true. Two young, courageous boys they were, two parts brave and two parts naive. After months and months of of internal debate, the two boys decided that they would devise a plan to venture into the Darkwoods and emerge on the other side, proving all the naysayers wrong. Finn was the architect of the plan, the two boys would venture into the Darkwoods at night, under the cover of darkness, use the stars as their guide and emerge in Krakow without any of the Darkwood creatures even knowing they had passed through. Unfortunately the plan did not unfold like it was drawn up. The foliage in the Darkwoods was much thicker than they had anticipated and the duo lost their way a few hours into their journey.

Having lost their path Xander began to panic and reasoned that they should turn back. Pride got the best of Finn, he refused to turn back and instead insisted that they trudge on, Krakow just being a few hours away. Unfortunately the boys had taken a wrong turn and were now face to face with Slanders, the hideous beast that ruled the Darkwoods. Overcome with fear, the two boys turn and ran as fast as their legs would carry them. Just as it seemed they would escape unharmed, Finn tripped over a tree root and hit his head. Momentarily dazed, Xander tried to help his friend back to his feet, by this time Slanders had almost completely closed the gap. In a last ditch effort for self preservation, Xander left Finn to save himself. Xander was able to escape the Darkwoods that night, however Finn wasn't so lucky.

After losing his friend, Xander struggled in search of his own identity. Why had they foolishly attempted to make it to Krakow? Was the fountain of Steem really worth the dangers and peril that awaited in the Darkwoods. For months and months after Finn's passing, Xander was tormented by his indecisiveness during that critical moment and couldn't help but wonder if he could have saved his friend from the wrath of Slanders. Xanders promised that he would get his pound of flesh and redeem his fallen mate. He spent a long time devising a plan but could never muster the courage to execute it.

Finally, on the 5th anniversary of Finn's death, Xander decided to put his plan into action. He was determined to get to the fountain of Steem and swore that not even a troll could stop him from getting there.

So late one night, during his usual whiskey on the porch time, Xander hopped in his pick up and drove straight for the Darkwoods. He had loaded his truck with rifles, torches and plenty of ammo, he was ready for war. As he approached the entrance to the Darkwood, he couldn't help but have flashbacks to 5 years prior when he and Finn went down the same path.

"This time will be different," he thought to himself.

In spite of all the weapons he had loaded his truck with, Xander decided to only equip himself with a small 6 inch dagger, a lighter, a bow and 10 arrows with gasoline soaked tips, gun powder and a small canister of gasoline. He turned back to look at Portmouth in the distant, perhaps for the final time.

Sticking to the same path he had taken half a decade earlier, Xander was able to make good ground as he ventured further into the Darkwood abyss. He had rid himself of fear, determination taking its place. 6 hours into his journey and he had not encountered any vile creatures, his luck about to change. He was climbing over a fallen branch when it broke in 2, sending a large echo through the forest. He stood motionless for a few seconds, hoping he hadn't awoken any slumbering creatures. Just as he thought his blunder had gone unnoticed, he heard a rustling about 300 meters ahead. Once again Xander stood motionless. The rustling did not subsist, it was getting louder and headed in his direction. Immediately, Xander pulled out the gasoline, started to empty the contents as he quickly ran in the opposite direction of the noise. After about 100 meters Xander stopped, turned back towards the noise which was only 50 meters away and he pulled out one arrow from his quiver. He could feel his heart beating a million miles an hour. He stood there with his bow fully pulled back, the only light coming from his burning arrow head as he awaited Slanders to come through the bush at any second.

Through the bush Slanders came, his eyes glowing red. Almost twice the size of Xander, his upper torso was all muscle while his lower resembled the body of a python. The beast was salivating as he prepared for his next meal. There was a brief pause before Xander let his arrow fly. It hit Slander squarely in the chest but merely phased the troll. Xander quickly pulled out another arrow and cocked it back as Slander began to lunge toward him. This time the beast was not his target, rather the fuel he had laid down just seconds ago. The arrow hit the ground and instantly ignited the gasoline, along with Sladers' tail. As the ground began to turn to flames Xander turned and ran as Slanders came barreling towards him. Xander was just able to avoid the trolls powerful fist. Slanders quickly turned around preparing to strike again, still oblivious to his emblazoned tail.

This time as Slanders lunged towards Xavier he caught a piece of the boy, sending him flying. Slanders turned and picked up the Xander, getting ready to finish him. In a last ditch effort for self preservation, Xander sprayed the remaining gasoline on the beast. The troll burst into flames, the gasoline being ignited by Xanders first arrow. Slanders released the boy from his grasp and collapsed.

Xander rose to his feet, he pulled the dagger from his utility belt and slowly walked over to the wounded troll. He stood over him for a few seconds before thrusting the blade into Slanders heart. Xander fell to his knees, his eyes welled up and he couldn't help but be reminded of his bet friend. He had gotten his retribution.

Slowly, Xander turned and started to head towards Krakow, he took one last glance at the slain troll, it was over.

Xander successfully made it through the Darkwoods and reached the Fountain of Steem in Krakow. It had been a long and arduous journey, he had overcome the odds and redeemed his fallen friend. The fountain of Steem did not disappoint and the splendors of Krakow made his journey worth it.

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I'm so sorry that you got caught in the middle of the flagging fiasco during this contest. But please know it has no bearing on our judging in the contest. A story is a story is a story, flagged or not. We very much appreciate this entry! :-)

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