Relationships & Romance

I do not know if it is a myth or an ideal that says that "in a couple, both members must be in love permanently, and there must be no conflicts."
... that is a fantasy.
It is not possible to conceive of an intimate relationship without conflicts and in love constantly.
Couples have conflicts, they have frictions, they have disagreements, they have different points of view and sometimes, unintentionally, they hurt themselves.
But this is part of the relationship. We have to learn to enjoy what we have, as it is.
On the one hand, it is useless to suffer because your relationship is not as ideal as the one you had imagined.
And, on the other hand, the fact of not being permanently in love, does not imply that there is no love.
They are different things.
Falling in love is an initial phase of the relationship, so passionate that, if we kept it for a long time, we would go crazy. But falling in love has to give way to love. Love is a calmer, stronger and stable feeling.

In fact, there are many couples, who fail to pass this first stage and it is then, once the infatuation is over, that the couple breaks up, because they have not managed to build anything else, nor accept the other, as it is.
It is also important to keep in mind that, in the relationship we went through different times. Moments of falling in love, of love, of hate ... and it is healthy to accept that this is the case. Without pretending that things are a certain way, we can go forward and evolve, as long as we are honest and can communicate to the other, what happens to us.

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You seem to have thought a lot on the question. A relationship goes through a lot of phases and it is sometimes in the hardest times that we see the value and the unconditionality of the love we share with our partner. Only in some given situation we see that we are thought to be together for life.
Communication and respect are the main cement for a sustainable relation. I cannot conceive love without both factors.

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