
Wow, @dreemit...

Please forgive my lapse of consciousness!

Yes, indeed, I have had a very senior moment and confused you with @dreemsteem... :O

Now that my mind is "right," I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me? It's all coming back to me now...

And, while it's true that I followed your blog from day one, I have been absent all too long. I will try to remedy that.


Hahaha! Not a problem at all :0) If I'm going to be mistaken for someone, I'm glad it was the sweet and vivacious @dreemsteem ;0)

LOLOLOLOL laughing about this conversation! senior moment, indeed @creatr! LOLOLOL

:) Was the quoted Left Behind in reference to something btw? I meant to ask him- images of Chloe and Buck popped in my head when I considered the mutual backgrounds...

i totally missed a Left Behind reference - hahahahaha now i have to go look again! LOL

oh ok! hahahahaha no - i think he was just saying he was just feeling forgotten LOLOL he knows me in real life LOL he is ACTUALLY the one that brought me here LOL - so it was a super duper senior moment. he just saw "dreem" and starting talking away! LOLLOL

pretty hilarious and just the giggle i needed!

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