Can't Think of What to Write? Steemit Writer's Block - A Guide

in #writersblock7 years ago (edited)

You get up in the morning, ready to do your first post on Steemit. You've been good about doing posts every day, and love participating in the community. Yet when you sit down to get to work: nothing. You think of a topic, then you think 'naw'. You fool around on the net, going to a few of your usual haunts. You come back to the empty Submit a Story page and sigh in despair: what the hell's the deal?

Some days you write so much that you regret that there isn't time for you to write even more. Some days you hit the ground running so fast that your hands can barely keep up with your thoughts. And some days: nothing.

What do we do when we hit these walls, when we're suddenly not sure what to say? Well, here are a few of the things I consider when I get stuck:

'Value' Doesn't Necessarily Mean 'Long Post'

I sometimes have to remind myself of this. Sometimes shorter is better. As long as it's well thought out and sincerely something that you're interested in, it will probably be valuable. In fact, if you can communicate a lot in a relatively short post, it'll be seen as (and actually will be) concise rather than short.

Have Go To Subjects

Have at least one or two topics you can write about nearly endlessly. If you're unsure, then take your writer's block as a chance to experiment. Make a list of things you're interested in. It can be anything. Heck, even write something about your job, even if you think it's boring. Don't assume 'no one would want to hear about that'. Post and see. The platform is hungry for new perspectives, stories, and experiences.

Remember That You Only Need To Master Two of the Three Consistencies

The first consistency metric to consider is post consistency. Post consistency is posting at least once a day. The more you post and the more posts you make each day, the better your consistency.

The second consistency metric that really helps you grow on the platform is quality consistency. This simply means making well thought out and edited posts that are easy to read and aesthetically appealing.

The third consistency is one that many people don't consider: content consistency (or subject consistency, if you prefer). This consistency is basically how similar the topics you post about are. If you're a fiction writer and you post only fiction, your blog would be considered to have high content consistency. If you post about animals, or your travels, or whatever else, and post only (or almost only) about that, then your blog has high consistency.

Beating the Block

To be successful here on Steemit platform, you just need two of the consistencies with each entry you post. If you're posting regularly you've already got the one (and posting regularly is pretty much a must for anyone looking to grow at a steady clip and in a relatively short time on the platform). Well, that means for your next post that you're having trouble thinking of, you just need to have high quality or write about a subject that your blog is known for. This can help narrow things down when you're not sure what to write about.

Good luck Steemians! Hope this helped!

Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please upvote, resteem, and follow!

Follow: @jenkinrocket


Very helpful advice. It's actually a bit hard to get that consistency down at first. It's something I definitely need to be working towards.

Yeah, it can be kind of rough at times. If you have any other questions let me know. We've got to help each other where we can!

Thx so much for the tips, i realize i didn't pay enough attention to quality consistency. Sometimes i just write a post in the train, because i am bored. Those posts do not have enough quality consistency though. Thx again for sharing useful tips.

Thank you for sharing. It's a real helpful post!

You're welcome :). Glad I could help!

cool reading, thanks :)

You're welcome! Thank you for reading.

Content consistency is definitely something I need to work on then. Being new though I'd like to experiment with my interests to see what's popular to others too. The grind! haha

Thanks for the good read.

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