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RE: Writers...Download Your FREE Copy of "HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR BOOK"

in #writers5 years ago

Things are definitely not the same anymore.

In fact, trying to get published by a big publishing house is, in many respects a bad move today.

As in, you can get pennies per book or
you could get dollars per book self publishing.
AND! you will have to do the same amount of promoting in either scenario.

That's the thing that really gets me... that even if you have a publisher... it just means that bookstores can order your book. Not that anyone will ever see it or order it. Its all on you to get it into stores.

So, maybe the better question is why do publishing houses still exist?


You are so correct, @builderofcastles. The traditional publishing world is, for the most part, a closed loop of hand-picked individuals who've they've made "stars".

I can tell you from experience, self publishing is MUCH better and more profitable for 99% of authors out there.

Traditional publishing houses exist people the general public allows them to be by supporting them with their dollars. I very rarely will buy a book from a mainstream publisher.

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