Love Letter For Beloved Daughter #6.YOU'RE LOOKING ONLY ONCE

in #write6 years ago (edited)

My dear daughter, !!
Wherever steps you will take, really
the earth where you stand will always be a witness for you later on the day of calculation. When the temptations and seduction of the world the more clearly you will meet later in the day later. So, always remember that you are a part from a community of noble beings created to be caliph on earth. An unworthy natural dweller to do evil in the heavy mandate already borne. An even greater mandate even mountains cannot bear it.
"Indeed, we have conveyed the message to heaven, earth and mountains, all are reluctant to bear the mandate and they are worried about betrayed him, and was mandated by the man. Indeed, man is very wrong and very stupid."(QS.Al-Ahzab: 72)
However, Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala does not never let mankind go without provisions adequate. Until Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala bestow on all mankind in the world is the advantages that if you can use it according to His provisions, the great mandate will can be implemented properly Really, there is no doubt whatsoever for realize that every person is created under conditions the best.
Instill in your soul that you are is born as a perfect being. listen assurance from Allah Subhaanahu wa ta'ala himself about how perfect is the physical appearance of a creature named man, as the word of God Subhaanahu wa ta'alab"Surely We have created a human in
the best form. "("We do not bring down this Qur'an to you so youbecomes difficult, but as a warning to people whofear (to Allah). "(QS.Thaha: 2-3)
Therefore, my daughter returns to al ??? the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Alert, study, live, and then practice it with full respect. (Qs At-Tin: 4)
Not to mention the gift of reason given
for humanity to be able to sort and choose truth as well as a differentiator between them and other creatures. So, Islam is your guide also has called upon each person to always
use your mind and reason in an effort to
become the noblest being by His side.
"(That is) those who remember God while standing or sit or lie down and they think
about the creation of heaven and earth (while saying) ‘YesbOur Lord, you did not create all this within vain."(QS .Ali Imran: 191)
On the journey of your life that you will take, will so many times you encounter various temptations and tricksbdemons who tirelessly try to alwaysb seduce you. They, the demons will never give up until what they want is achieved. With condition people who are still sick like that, then already it is appropriate that you must participate in efforts to fix it.
So, no matter how heavy the temptations and obstacles are will you face later along thenjourney of your life later, then indeed He also gave the way ease and safety for each of His servants. Through His apostles and prophets, He has sent down all rules which is a way out for all the problems come in every age. These are the rules that have been known as religion. Verily Allah Subhahuahu wa ta'ala decreases His rules as guards and caretakers of humans to be free from the abyssmisery and difficulties. And it is not actually vice versa.
Allah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala said
"We do not bring down this Qur'an to you so you becomes difficult, but as a warning to people who fear (to Allah). "(QS.Thaha: 2-3)
Therefore, my daughter returns to al ??? the Qur'an and the hadiths of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam.
Alert, study, live, and then practice it
with full respect.

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