in #wrestling5 years ago


JC Joey Cooper vs. Christopher Mack

[Screen fades back in during a fight going on between JC JOEY COOPER, a blonde guy wearing white and blue attire, and CHRISTOPHER MACK, dark-skinned Hispanic wearing dark red attire. The two are grappling and are currently both are looking tired.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Welcome back to OCW War, by order of General Manager Fox, we will not stop the fights for any reason.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): It’s something extra for the guys that paid to get in here. We also had a contest where some little girl won a T-shirt. It was awesome.

[Mack gets the advantage with an arm drag takedown. Joe falls on his stomach while Mack executes a la magistral pin.]


[Joe kicks out and Mack rolls away and hops onto the middle rope. Mack hops backwards and ends up on Joe’s shoulders. Mack with a victory roll, but Joe gets out and stumbles against the ropes. Joe’s tag partner, Doug E Stone, can be seen outside the ring cheering him on.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): So does anyone want to make the announcement?

LSD (OFF SCREEN): I’m good; I like these guys in the ring. I think those were the guys that were naked on the Leon and Sin show, or whatever it’s called.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I think it’s called “The Backstage Experience,” but it’s been decided that Ted Thomas will be facing Doug Konway for the Xtreme Title next week on War!

[Some cheers are heard as Mack goes for a hurricanrana, but Joe counters with an AIRPLANE SPIN!! Fans are cheering as Joe spins Mack around as fast as he can. The crowd counts the laps.]


[Joe almost falls over, but both hold onto each other. Both are equally dizzy.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Bad choice by Joe and OH GOD!!

[Joe throws up in the middle of the ring and right on Mack. The fans are screaming and laughing at the sight.]


LSD (OFF SCREEN): What did he eat? Looks like candy in there.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What? Why would you even think to-

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Roll up!!

[Joe has Mack in a small package pin.]


[The bell rings.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): The winner as a result of a pin fall: Team Beer’s own JC JOEY COOPER!!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I have no words to describe what just happened.

[JC rolls out of the ring and gets a hug from Doug E.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): JC took a negative and turned it into a positive. Good for him.

[Mack looks both upset and grossed out. Joe and Doug head to the back while Mack gets up and gets a towel from the referee.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, he needs that.

[A gong can be heard being hit every few moments. Mack stops where he is and looks up the ramp to see three figures walking down toward the ring. Two are short Japanese guys in business suits and the other is a very large man covered completely by a hooded robe.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What is this Julius?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Do I look like a know-it-all nerd? That’s your job.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): HA! He got you. Not like Joe got Mack, but close enough.

[Masa, one of the guys in suits, gets a mic and the three stop halfway to the ring.]

Masa: Well now, we came all the way from our home to the land of great opportunity. Look at it all Kai.

[Kai, the other one in a suit, smiles and nods]

Kai: Oh yeah, I can see it all everywhere we go. Masa: I can smell it and it smells like vomit.

[Boos while the camera shows Mack looking offended]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): It’s cool Mack, you fine.

[Camera goes back to Masa]

Masa: We came here and were treated horribly the second we entered your “squared circle.” All because we are smaller and not body builders? We deserve better than that! We are great fighters back in Japan and China! You Americans have no respect, so we have secret weapon for all of you. I believe you people call it, “an eye for an eye?” Well Chun Lo here is a great sumo fighter. You will see him fight, see him dominate and see him victorious with us at his side.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Strong message and a really big guy.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): I’ve seen a lot of sumo man, those guys are really fat.

Masa: I assure you, Chun Lo is skinny compared to you Americans. You have been warned.

[Kai throws salt in the air and the three begin to walk to the back.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Well prove it.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): They did what they came out to do.

[The camera goes backstage to show a bunch of the roster all in one room. A little person named RICARDO is seen with a mic.]

Ricardo: Hello, this is Ricardo, the best announcer to live. We are here where the first two teams to compete for their spots in the Lethal Lotto Match are going to be chosen.

[Members of the Entourage (VAL, TRACI AND SAKURA) walk over to Ricardo with big smiles on their faces]

Val: Hi, I want to take the time for everyone watching War to hear us out. Lethal Lotto will have a Vixen’s Lethal Lotto Match too, winner getting a guaranteed shot at Lita’s belt.

Sakura: It’ll be Key’s soon enough.

Val: Yeah, well ten Vixens and three of us all teamed up.

Ricardo: Only one winner senoritas.

[The three girls give Ricardo the look of death.]

Sakura: Let me make this clear you little

Val: Saki! I got this! [Sakura backs off]

Sakura: Entourage wins, every time.

Val: Damn right, we will fight together until the final four. After that, best bitch wins. Just don’t forget who the queen bitch here IS: me

[Val and Sakura walk away with Traci following. Cheering can be heard as JC and Doug head to the room. Ricardo walks over to them]

Ricardo: JC and Doug from TEAM BEER! Joe, after you win today, what will you do if you have to fight after just fighting against Christopher Mack?

Doug: I got this one dude.

JC: Sweet, I need some mouthwash.

[Joe stops in his tracks as he is stopped by Alex and Khad from THE BODY BROTHERS]

Ricardo: Looks like we have a good look at the Tag Division. JC and Doug from Team Beer and Alex and Khad from the Body Brothers.

Alex: Seriously? These guys don’t even belong in the ring. Look at us, we are chiseled from stone like the gods of legend that we are.

[Alex and Khad back up the claim by taking their shirts off and pose in ways that show off their immense muscles.]

Khad: That’s hours of hard work in the gym, like real men. Alex: We don’t need to puke on people to win.

[Khad laughs while Alex just smiles]

Ricardo: That was funny.

Alex: Yeah, well you’re looking at the guys who will be dominating the Tag Division. First stop though, qualifying for the Lethal Lotto.

[Body Brothers stare down Team Beer]

JC: Dude, you guys stink, I’m gonna puke again.

[Team Beer walks right by them while Body Brothers look grossed out. Cheering can suddenly be heard.]

Alex: Whoa! Did we miss the first name because of those losers?

Khad: Who got in? Who got in? It’s me? IT’S ME!!

Alex: Awesome!

[Alex and Khad share a double high five and Khad heads to the ring looking psyched. Camera focuses on Ricardo.]

Ricardo: Back to you guys.

[Camera goes back to the ringside area with focus on Fox as she sits in her private balcony area with Key and Intern Tomoko. Camera then goes to Khad who is heading to the ring while the band plays.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): This is the first of four Qualifying matches for the Lethal Lotto Match, who is Khad getting for a partner?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Forget that, he could be forced to face his own tag team partner.

[Khad enters the ring, hops to the mid turnbuckle and flexes for the crowds of people watching him and taking pictures.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): That’s true.

Lance (OFF SCREEN): and now, the first member of team two.

[Camera focuses of Lance while Khad is stretching. Lance opens the envelope and smiles.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Who is it?

Lance: This man needs no introduction, he is a member of the Keith family and the OCW’s head trainer: MARVIN KEITH!!

[Huge cheers can be heard as the camera shows Marvin Keith emerging from the back. Marv is looking just as psyched as Khad.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): This is gonna be good.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Khad vs. Marvin? I’m interested in this guy: Tommy Lee’s brother and the ex-husband of the General Manager. Can you imagine if he won the whole thing?

[Marvin runs down the ramp the slides face first inside of the ring by going under the ropes. Khad stays at his corner while Marvin takes off his OCW T-shirt and tosses it into the audience. The music stops and the band begins playing a different song called “Payday.”]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Khad’s partner, accompanied by his sister Chelsea, is the richest man currently in the OCW.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh I like this guy already.

Lance (OFF SCREEN): He is the heir of the Banks fortune and wants everyone to know about it. BRENT BANKS!!

[A blonde girl walks out with a curtain following her and pulls it down to reveal BRENT BANKS! Both then do a number of poses while cameras start to flash all around them.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Were those cameras all there before?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Paparazzi love rich people!

[Brent and Chelsea wave to the cameras and wait at the top of the ramp for a while. After a few moments, they look impatient while Khad looks confused. Chelsea calls for a mic.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What are they waiting for?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I think we’ll find out if you stop asking the obvious questions.

[Chelsea gets a mic]


[The music stops and fans boo them. Brent leans to the mic]

Brent: Hey! My sis is talking!

Chelsea: Thank you. We spoke with many people before gifting you all with our presence, but we had demands.

[Camera shows GM Fox watching and switches back to Chelsea and Brent. Chelsea gives the mic to Brent.]

Brent: I don’t see why we need to share a mic, but where is the red carpet with our names on it?

[Chelsea gets another mic]

Chelsea: We were guaranteed preferential treatment. That included our private facilities, catering, theme music and entrance.

[Camera switches to Fox as she gets up with mic in hand]

Fox: I’m sorry, there must be a mix-up. We can sort it out later. You have the other stuff, just work with it.

Brent: Well I-

Chelsea: No brother, we deserve better than this. Either we get our entrance and a better band to play our music, or we don’t compete.

[More boos can be heard]

Brent: I agree, besides, Khad wasn’t going to win Lethal Lotto anyway.

[Camera shows a quick glimpse of Khad looking upset before switching back to Chelsea and Brent.]

Chelsea: Yeah, he’s just a tag team guy. We are better than him, we’re rich.

[Camera to Fox]

Fox: I’m sorry; the band is here for tonight and will be replaced for the next local group for the next event. As for the red carpet, we’re working on it. Hey!

[Chelsea and Brent have heard enough and leave to the backstage area. The fans start chanting “put up, shut up”]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): So it’s a handicap match?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Looks like it.

[Camera to the ring as Marvin shrugs and the lights go out. Spotlights circle all over while the band plays.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): Marvin’s partner, he represents those that wish to rise above tyranny. He fights for balance to for the fall of all the bullies in the world.

[A dark figure is found walking through the crowds of fans as they cheer. The figure hops over the security barricade.]


[Spotlights all hit BLACK MASK as he ascends to the top rope. He’s wearing a hooded cloak that he soon tosses aside to reveal a solid black mask that covers his entire face.]


[Black Mask hops off the top rope to shake Marv’s hand as the lights come back on. Khad is standing there alone. Camera switches to Fox.]

Fox: I’m very sorry, but the match goes as planned. Ring the bell.

Marvin Keith/Black Mask vs. Khad/Brent Banks (w/Chelsea Banks)

[The bell rings to begin the match. Black Mask and Khad start as the legal men.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Tough break for Khad.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): That’s the luck of the draw there. Let’s see how Khad does all alone.

[Khad psyches himself up by hopping around and flexing his muscles. Mask goes to grapple, but Khad powers his way out with a toss to the other side of the ring. Mask recovers quickly while Khad charges in, Masks rolls away
to evade. Khad charges again with a clothesline, Mask ducks under and gets a backward roll up pin]


[Khad reverses it into his own backward roll up pin and GRABS THE ROPES!]


[Black Mask kicks out and the referee notices at the last minute. Khad argues with the referee while Mask gets back up and tags in Marvin. The fans cheer as Marvin hops over the ropes to get in the ring. Khad charges in and Marvin takes him down with a leg sweep takedown. Khad falls on his stomach and gets right to his knees while Marvin stands on Khad’s back. The fans pop in cheer.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh God!

[Marvin with a standing moonsault, but Khad counters by rolling on his back and catching Marvin in the ribs with his knees.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Tough break

[Marvin rolls onto his back while Khad hustles to his feet and connects with an elbow drop followed by a pi attempt, but Marv kicks out right away. Khad then applies a lying front head lock onto Marvin.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Khad can’t give any breathing room for Marvin, not unless Brent Banks decides to come back.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): He’s not coming back.

[Marvin reaches for the ropes, but Khad cranks down on him. Marvin gets a foot on the rope and Khad is forced to let go. Khad gets up and drops another elbow, but this time on Marvin’s back. Black Mask is seen cheering on his partner. Khad gets up and drags Marvin away from the ropes. Khad applies the headlock once more.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): He’s got to keep at it. Unlike Marvin, Khad has nobody to tag in. Marvin tags in Black Mask, all Khad’s work will be for nothing. Marvin will recover and Khad will then have a fresh man to fight.

[Khad cranks down on Marvin’s neck while the referee keeps a close eye on both Khad and Marvin. The fans are heard booing as the camera shows The Blood Angels (Damian Cross, Doug Konway, Baal and John Walters) walking down the ramp. John has bandages on his head due to his match earlier that night.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): This is a good time to note, if they’re caught interfering in any way, each individual involved will be fined and possibly suspended.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I don’t think they care about Marvin or Khad right now.

[Black Mask is keeping an eye on The Blood Angels while Marvin is struggling. Damien is saying something to the members with him and it appears to be directed at Black Mask. Marvin gets to his knees as Khad converts to a standing guillotine choke. MARVIN WITH A NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!! Marvin is free and the fans like it. Both men get up, Khad goes for a side club, but Marvin catches him for THE MANGLER (T-Bone Suplex) but Khad counters with a knee to the stomach. The fans boo while Marv backs to the corner. Khad connects with a couple kicks to the midsection. Khad backs away, looks at Black Mask, and charges in with a spear. MARVIN HOPS OVER AND COUNTERS WITH A SUNSET FLIP PIN!!]


[Khad kicks out]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Too close!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn!

[Both men slowly get up and MARVIN WITH A LEG CAPTURE SUPLEX! Marv goes for another pin.]


[Khad get a foot on the rope and Marvin looks upset about it.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Another close call. Keep in mind that the winners of this match get into the 10 man Lethal Lotto Match.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Also we just got word: GENUIN HAS ARRIVED!!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): He’s here too?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Yeah! The OCW Champion, Genuin, is going to address his upcoming match against Sully Sphinx.

[Marvin gets to his knees while Khad recovers. Marvin looks at Black Mask, who clearly wants to tag in, but Marvin shakes his head.]

Marvin: There’s no honor in this, not for you. This is my fight.

[Khad almost rolls out of the ring, but does a double take hearing that. Marvin and Khad both slowly get to their feet. Khad goes for a handshake, but MARVIN WITH THE MANGLER! He goes for the pin!]


[The bell rings and Black Mask hops in the ring.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): The winners of this match, by pin fall: MARVIN KEITH AND THE BLACK MASK!!

[The band changes songs as Black Mask and Marvin exchange words only to shake hands. Black Mask then raises Marvin’s hand in victory instead of the referee. Black Mask then looks over to see the four members of The Blood Angels in the ring and Khad has already rolled outside. Marvin looks over at the four as well and they all stare down with it being a 4-on-2 scenario.]

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