CHAPTER 7: WAR (PT 1) (OCW: Vol 1)

in #wrestling5 years ago


[A big pyro goes off in the ring and Lance is caught off guard. Lance jumps around as if freaked out and leaves the ring. Some fans are cheering and some are laughing at Lance. OCW’s group for the evening, The Blue Cold Habanero Pickles, starts playing an energetic rock song to start the event.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Someone should check on Lance, but we are on the air!

[The group gets to play up to the chorus as the camera pans around to show various fans trying to be noticed by being in the shot or as loud as possible. The camera stops at General Manager Fox as the music dies down. The spotlight stays on Fox as she holds up a mic to signal she’s going to talk.]

Fox: It took a lot of work, but this is it! Welcome to OCW!

[Many fans cheer]

Tonight, we are starting off everything by making one big promise: there will plenty of action tonight. So we will explain more about tonight through the commentators. I don’t see a reason to go on and talk for a huge chunk of this show, so let’s bring in our first fight.

[The fans cheer as the band plays their first major song of the day, entitled “My Blood” while the camera shows THE BLOOD ANGELS emerge from the back.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Oh damn, what plans does Fox have prepped for us to start the show?

Fox (OFF SCREEN): Since our announcer is getting checked for burns, I’ll have my Intern Tomoko do the announcing.

[The music continues to play as Damien Cross and Zack Tobias leads the way to the ring with Baal, Lita Walters, John Walters and Doug Konway right behind them. Damien, Baal, Konway and Lita each have a title belt in their possession.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Doug Konway is our current OCW Xtreme Champion, Damien and Baal our Tag Team
Champions and Lita holding that Vixen’s Title.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Wow, they have almost all the belts.

[Camera switches over to Billy, Julius and LSD]

Billy: That’s right! Zack Tobias has been tailing the Champion, Genuin, for a while now. Wouldn’t be shocked if that’s why he joined them.

Julius: Didn’t they explain this in an interview?

Tomoko (OFF SCREEN): This match, scheduled for one fall with a 20 minute time limit, is a tag team match. Coming to the ring, representing and accompanied by The Blood Angels, the team of John Walters and Doug Konway!!

[Camera goes to the ring as Konway and John slide into the ring while the remaining members walk around the ring. Tobias and Baal are looking around in a threatening manner, Lita is keeping an eye on John who is currently stretching and Damien is holding a large cross while also handing out flyers that all say “Save your soul and join us.” Konway gets a microphone. The music dies.]

Konway: If I may have your attention, I would like to take the time, to tell you about our message.

[Some boos]

LSD: (Off Screen) what’s the message man?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): They’re a super religious cult, so take a guess.

LSD: (Off Screen) Umm a soup kitchen? A free spaghetti dinner?

Konway: If I may have your attention, I need to explain to you all about the danger that you are all in. Your souls are ablaze with the sins of the society that this world has embraced.

[A mixed reaction from the fans]

I’m just as embarrassed as you are. All through the media, we hear about drunken antics of stupidity done by our role models of today. We hear about sex tapes, drug use and even talk about how “twerking” is the only way to have fun. The only fun you need is with the lord, our lord eternally can help us all. So raise your hands and say with all your energy, “Praise him!!”

Various Fans (OFF SCREEN): Praise him!!

[The band continues playing the same song as two figures emerge from the back. One a tall muscular man with spiked blonde hair and the other an average sized skinny guy with long black hair.]

Tomoko (OFF SCREEN): Their opponents: MUGEN AND TED THOMAS!!

[The two guys give each other a double high five and begin running to the ring and both slide right in to avoid the members outside.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Okay, Mugen and Ted Thomas, both of these guys are very energetic; however, they both also stand against the practices of those Blood Angels.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Can’t they get sued for that? I mean, going against an entire religion?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): No, he means against how Blood Angels go about it.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh, got you.

Doug Konway/John Walters vs. Mugen/Ted Thomas

[The bell rings while the band begins to play a new song much like the last one, but avoids any vocals at all so the action stays in the ring. The legal men to start this are John Walters and Ted Thomas. Ted is jumping up and down looking psyched.]

Ted: COME ON!!

[The fans start cheering as John smiles while looking around.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): This is the first match of our big premiere and I think we all can feel it.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Keep in mind, with Konway as Xtreme Champion; he has to compete every week in any random match type that may come to being. Should he be personally defeated in this tag team match, he loses the belt by default.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Oh damn.

[John and Ted walk to the center of the ring. They each try for a grapple, but end up evading the other. Ted comes in and John with an inverted leg sweep takedown. Ted falls on his back and quickly recovers. Lita can be seen yelling “go after him!” John looks at Lita, ignoring Ted for a moment, and gives her thumbs up before heading back to him. Ted evades him again with a barrel roll to the side. Ted goes for a monkey flip, but John holds him in place. Ted goes for a hurricanrana, but John ducks under and bounces off the ropes. Ted ducks under John and John leapfrogs to bounce off the ropes again. Ted turns around, but is distracted by Baal trying to grab his leg. John charges in and KNEE ATTACK TO TED!!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh, right in the sternum!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Did you feel that impact? That could break a rib, right?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): I think it will.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn right it will.

[Ted backs to a corner and John walks right over to him and preps for what looks like a striking combo.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh this is bad; this is the kind of position where strikers like John Walters get a huge advantage.

[John throws a series of open hand strikes to the head of Ted, followed by a series of forearms and knees all directed at the same target. Ted is doing his best to defend himself, but isn’t blocking them very well; the strikes all connect regardless. John backs away, charges in and he connects with a running splash to the weakened Ted Thomas. John backs away and has a big grin of his face.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): He’s planning something.

[John goes for a running spear to Ted, but Ted evades it and John evades getting hurt by hopping to the mid turnbuckle and doing a perfect back flip. John then walks over to Lita and appears to be bragging about the backflip.]

Lita: John, focus.

John: Don’t be mad if you can’t do it.

[John turns around to get a flying elbow strike to the face by Ted! Some fans pop]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Yeah! That’s right Ted!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): That’s why you shouldn’t look away.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): John’s got an attention problem, nothing coffee can’t fix. I think.

[Ted preps John for an Irish whip, John reverses to one of his own, Ted counters with a bulldog, John counters by lifting Ted out of the ring and onto the apron, but Ted holds on and tries for a suplex out of the ring.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): That’s a lot of countering going on.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): You can tell they’ve been training a lot.

[John fought out of the first attempt, but Ted does manage to lift him up for a suplex on the second try. John battles back, while in midair, with a few punches to the head. Ted lowers John onto the top rope and AN OUT OF THE RING DDT!!! John head hits the outside mat face first and hard while Ted hurries back into the ring.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn! Get the replays going!

[A replay is shown of Ted’s out of ring DDT to John]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): That could put someone away for weeks.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Ted Thomas puts his heart and soul into everything he does.

[Konway enters the ring and connects with a blatant knee to the groin of Ted Thomas while the referee checks on John. Some boos while Konway goes back to his corner. Damien and Zack Tobias are talking amongst themselves while Lita gets Baal to help John back into the ring. Ted is on his knees and hurt while Konway is yelling at John to tag him in. John is hardly conscious as he slowly begins to get to his knees.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): No blood on John, that’s always a good sign.

[Ted crawls toward Mugen. Damien laughs at this while Tobias grins.]

Damien: Look at the sinner people, crawling like a filthy worm. That’s what sinners are like, weak. [Konway throws his arms in the air, along with a few others]

Konway: PRAISE HIM!!

[Ted tags in Mugen and John tags in Konway right after. The fans cheer a bit while Konway enters the ring and Mugen is just standing there. Konway walks over to Mugen and begins preaching. Mugen gets into the ring while keeping eye contact. Mugen sneers at Konway and comes in with an invitation to shake hands. Konway backs away a little while surprise]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Okay, I did not expect that.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Mugen is pretty big on things being fair and sportsmanlike.

[Konway thinks about it, takes his time, then soon begins to smile and shakes his hand. Mugen smiles back.]

Konway: You wish to join us?

[Mugen shakes his head and the fans cheer. Mugen pulls Konway to him and MILITARY PRESS SLAM! Konway arcs his back as if in pain while Mugen is ready and waiting in an attack stance. Konway is up attacks with a side knife edge chop. Mugen responds with a kick to the stomach followed by a double axe handle to the back of Konway. Konway falls onto his stomach.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): That had to hurt

[Konway gets up and a haymaker to the face by Mugen. Konway backs to the ropes and charges with a shoulder block. Mugen backs to the ropes and hits with a shoulder block that sends Konway onto his back. The fans pop while Konway rolls sideways in order to get to his feet. Konway heads to Mugen and MUGEN WITH A MILITARY PRESS!!]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Not another one of these.

[Mugen has Konway in midair as he starts lifting Konway up and down, almost as if working out with Konway as the weight.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): A little bit of showboating there.

[Mugen walks over to Baal and tosses Konway over the top rope and right into Baal’s arms. Baal catches with ease. Some fans cheer for the show of strength by both Mugen and Baal while both of them stare down.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Now those two should be the ones fighting.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): I agree, man, they want to. Most definitely.

[Baal tosses Konway back into the ring. Mugen goes to grab Konway by the head. Konway springs up and connects with a European uppercut. Mugen backs away a bit and comes right back to grapple. Mugen and Doug grapple until Konway gets a foot around the ropes. The referee begins to count and Mugen lets go right away. Konway then follows up with an eye gouge to take the advantage. Fans boo at Konway for the dirty tactic while Damien applauds him for it.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): All right, well what’s on the report we were given.

[Konway charges at Mugen with an overhead style clothesline from behind. Mugen falls to his knees and Konway exchanges words with Ted.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Now that’s why Konway is the champion, he got Mugen and Ted both on their knees so far. Okay, looks like tonight begins the Lethal Lotto Qualifiers: later tonight, two teams made of two randomly chosen fighters will fight it out.

[Konway hits a SUPERKICK TO THE JAW OF THE DOWNED MUGEN!! Mugen is down and out while Konway falls to his own knees in order to enter prayer.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Doug Konway could win this, right now.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Yeah and the winners go onto Lethal Lotto to compete for a guaranteed OCW Title Shot.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): What?

Julius (OFF SCREEN): The Lethal Lotto match Billy, pay attention, Fox and Tommy Lee have both promised that this will be a very special match type. However, you need to qualify first.

[Konway has been praying the whole time while Mugen slowly gets to his feet. Mugen comes from behind Konway and right into a roll up pin. Konway kicks out immediately while John enters the ring to help. The referee goes to John, so he gets back to the corner. Mugen tags in Ted Thomas and fans cheer.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Here we go!

[Ted hops right on the top rope and IN RING IMPACT (Over Castle) ON KONWAY!! Ted goes for the pin.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): New Champion!

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Only if Konway is pinned.

[The referee orders Ted to leave!!! The referee never saw the tag and Mugen is apparently still legal. Both Ted and multiple fans do not agree with the call.]

Julius (Off Screen): That hurts.

LSD (Off Screen): I bet it hurt more than Ted’s In Ring Impact.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn.

[Ted goes back to the corner and Mugen gets back in. Konway starts heading over to John and Mugen officially tags in Ted Thomas.]

LSD (Off Screen): Rules are rules?

[Konway tags in John and leaves the ring. John is still weakened by the earlier head trauma and Ted takes full control over it. Ted grabs John Walters and connects with a Tornado DDT! Ted goes for the pin fall.]


[The bell rings. Damien and Tobias both do a double take while Ted and Mugen roll out of the ring and head to the back. The band is playing loud while Ted and Mugen celebrate all the way to the back. Damien and Zack Tobias look pissed while Konway appears to be arguing with Lita and also seems to be blaming John for the loss. The camera shows the fans that enjoyed the fight and pan around to show Fox’s intern, Tomoko, who leaning forward with the mic.]

Tomoko: The winner of the match: TED THOMAS AND MUGEN!!

[Camera pans back to the Blood Angels as Damien and Tobias order the rest to the back.]

Billy (Off Screen): Wow, Ted Thomas stealing a huge win and at whose expense?

LSD (Off Screen): Konway could have fought more, but it should be noted that he could have lost the belt too if we lost. Remember, Ted had almost beaten him once already and had plenty of energy and momentum going on. I think Konway knew that and just wanted to make sure he stayed champion.

[Damien and Tobias are now leaving. SUDDEN AIR HORN NOISE!! The music and everyone around stops and looks over to Fox, who the camera is now focused on. Fox gets a mic from Key and looks at the Blood Angels.]

Fox: I need to get used to that; the air horn, not you guys losing. Can Lita Walters please get back in the ring? We need to talk about something.

[Tobias grabs a mic]

Tobias: We are here together Fox, all for a just cause. You can’t do anything about that, now we have to get back at a couple idiots who-

Fox: I was talking about Lita’s challenge to Key, the match that will happen at Lethal Lotto.

[Cheering can be heard. Lita breaks away and walks to the ring without any protest.]

Tobias: Oh that’s all? Okay.

[Tobias shrugs; drops the mic and the rest leave while Lita slides into the ring with the Vixen’s Title belt on her shoulder.]

Fox: We have a few issues Lita. You are the OCW’s Vixen Champion, yet you tend to go by some very, what appear to be, selfish principles.

[Lita gets a mic while Key starts heading to the ring by walking through the seating area. Lita sees Key and keeps focus on her. Key hops over the security barricade and gets a mic.]

Lita: Been complaining much? Seems like
you’re the only one doing it.

Key: Well I’m the only one here that isn’t afraid of you.

[Key walks up the steel stairs and enters the ring. The fans are cheering.]

Lita: So because I tend to fight alone and not pal around with a bunch of the other girls, that’s wrong? This is wrestling, this is fighting, and this is life.

Key: I’m not saying that at all, I’m saying that you fight without honor. As a champion, you’re supposed to set the standard and help better people. Instead, all you do is beat on them; you don’t want to be champion, you just want to hurt people.

Lita: I fight to win.

[Lita and Key stare down]

Key: You don’t deserve a match against me. From what I’ve seen, you don’t deserve a damn thing. You are the most ungrateful person here as far as this arena is concerned.

[A mixed reaction from Key’s words while PINK PRINCESS AND SELENE emerge from the back and start heading to the ring.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): These are the two that helped Lita out when the rest of the division was trying to gang up on her.

[Key sees and does a double take]

Key: Umm no, Pink and Selene, go to the back. This was none of your business, just like at the lumberjack match you two interfered in.

[Selene and Pink get to the ring and stay there.]

Lita: Since you’re so caring about the other Vixen’s and wanting to make them better people, why don’t you give them your mic?

[The fans cheer while Key stares at Lita. SUDDEN AIR HORN NOISE!! The camera goes back to Fox.]

Fox: I like this. Okay, Selene and Pink Princess need to leave or be ready to fight.

[Lita and Key both keep an eye on each other as each of them hands a mic to Selene and Pink.]

Selene: We’ll fight.

[The fans cheer]

Pink: Fox and Key, I know you’re trying to go by your values and be honorable. However, you two don’t see the big picture. You two are being just as bad as Lita could ever be by trying to force your beliefs onto her.

[More cheering]

Fox: Selene, great decision. Pink, you are young and have a lot to learn.

Pink: But

Fox: get ready to tag up, I just texted your opponents to come out right away.

[The band starts playing an acoustic song as JACKIE AND MARIE emerge from the back.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh no

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Why does she get to know all the hot girls?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Fox? She’s the General Manager and those two are Key’s pupils. Well, at least Jackie is.

[Jackie and Marie both slide into the ring and immediately begin taking instructions from Key. Lita is just standing there while Pink and Selene get ready to fight. Lita looks at both teams, one after the other, and ends up leaving the ring and heading to the back. The fans begin to boo as Key appears victorious.]

Selene/Pink Princess vs. Jackie/Marie (w/Key)

[The bell rings and Key leaves the ring to watch from outside. The legal participants to start are Pink Princess and Marie Adams. Pink comes in with a few roundhouse kicks to the side, but Marie counters with a knee to the stomach followed by a side headlock.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): We finally get to see some real OCW Vixen action. This is gonna be good.

[Marie cranks on Pink’s neck while Pink tries to grip at Marie’s hair for leverage. Marie shakes Pink off and ends of leaning against the ropes. Pink gets out with a whip to the ropes. Marie bounces off the ropes and charges, but Pink lies on her stomach to dodge. Marie bounces off the ropes while Pink does a kip up to get to her feet and springs into a 180 degree cross body. Marie ducks under Pink and Pink lands to the mat with a roll that gets the pink luchador to her feet right away.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Good save by both girls.

[Pink goes for a hurricanrana and MARIE WITH A CHARGING HEADBUTT TO PINK’S ABDOMEN WHILE IN MID AIR!! The crowd groans seeing that. Marie appears to be making a “hard head” joke with Jackie while Key keeps saying “no mercy.”]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): That hurt me just watching it.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn

[A replay is shown of the head-butt by Marie while Marie gets Pink to her feet. Marie sets Pink up for a REVERSE DDT!]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): A modified version of her Father’s signature DDT.

[Pink grapples in an effort to get free, but Marie grapples back toward the turnbuckle. Marie releases the grapple and comes in with a series of turnbuckle kicks. They all connect and Pink is leaning to the side as Marie tags in Jackie. Instead of leaving the ring, Marie goes back to Pink and holds her in place while Jackie backs away.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): What are they planning?

[Jackie charges in and TURNBUCKLE SPEAR TO THE RIBS OF PINK!! Key applauds Jackie while fans appear to be booing.]

Key: That’s okay, she can take it.

[Jackie pulls Pink up to her feet. Jackie then executes a shoulder rush into the turnbuckle and to the ribs of Pink Princess. Jackie then gets Pink to the top turnbuckle.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): What does Jackie have planned for her?

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Bringing a luchador to the top rope? This doesn’t seem like a good idea.

[Jackie sets Pink up for a superplex. Pink starts fighting back with punches to the head of Jackie.]

I told you so.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, he called it.

[Pink with a head-butt and Jackie backs away from the turnbuckle. Pink starts to recover as she gets on both feet while still on the top rope. Jackie charges in and connects with a drop kick. Pink goes back OFF THE TURNBUCKLE and only manages to hold on by hooking one leg around the rope. If Pink had not, she would have landed headfirst onto the steel steps.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Another nice save by Pink Princess.

[Selene is cheering for Pink Princess while Jackie grabs the leg keeping Pink safe. The fans are booing hard while Pink appears to be begging Jackie not to do whatever Jackie is planning to do. Key grabs a mic]

Key: See that? Your cause, the “champion,” isn’t going to help you. She won’t do the right thing and stop her. So now you get to learn the valuable lesson about siding with the wrong people. Jackie, drop her.

[Jackie starts trying to unhook Pink’s leg while Pink is protesting. The fans are booing until Jackie finally unhooks Pink’s leg and Pink falls back first against the steel steps. The impact came with a loud bang and Pink bounced on impact onto her stomach.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh my God! Can we can a replay of that? No? Damn.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Someone should check on her after the match.

[Pink is down and holding her back in pain. The referee starts the count out.]


LSD (OFF SCREEN): Come on, Selene is begging for a tag in. You can do it masked person.

[Pink gets to her knees while fans cheer in support.]


[Pink grabs onto the stairs for leverage]


[Pink falls on one knee and grabs onto the apron]


[Pink pulls herself up and rolls in JUST IN TIME! The fans cheer for her. Jackie starts stomping onto Pink’s body until breaking away and tagging in Marie. Marie gets into the ring, walks to Pink and PINK WITH A SMALL PACKAGE PIN!]


[Marie kicks out and Pink starts clawing her way toward Selene. Pink is almost there, but Marie grabs Pink by the foot. Pink gets onto her other foot to stand while Marie holds onto the other foot. Pink reaches for Selene, Marie pulls and PINK’S BOOT COMES OFF!! Marie backs into the turnbuckle and Selene is tagged in.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Here we go!

[Selene wastes no time and gets right into the ring. Marie comes after Selene, but Selene WITH A SPEAR! The fans cheer while Selene punches away at the fallen Marie.]

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Here comes Jackie.

[Jackie gets in the ring and grabs Selene. Selene counters with a knife edge that sends Jackie backing toward the ropes.]

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Damn! My Grandparents could feel that.

[Jackie holds onto the ropes while Selene connects with a back elbow counter to Marie and a kick to Jackie’s stomach right after. Jackie rolls out of the ring to recover. Selene looks at Marie and Jackie individually while the fans are cheering for her.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): She’s thinking about something.

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Yeah man, she looks pissed.

[Selene runs, bounces off the ropes and SUICIDE DIVE THROUGH THE ROPES TO JACKIE! Key backs away while Selene gets up and grabs a steel chair.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): How many times do you get to see a girl do this?

[Key grabs the steel chair from Selene. Selene holds on and ends up pushing Key back and STEEL CHAIR TO THE SKULL OF KEY!!]


[Jackie attacks Selene from behind. Selene drops the chair and is tossed back into the ring by Jackie. Marie gets Selene up and Selene tackles Marie to the ground. Selene grabs Marie’s legs and appears to be trying to setup a submission. Marie kicks away and manages to push Selene away. Marie gets to her feet and goes to grapple. Selene rolls back, making Marie fall flat on her face and CLOVERLEAF SUBMISSION BY SELENE!]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): She got her!

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Can Marie hold on?

LSD (OFF SCREEN): Oh man, huge win if Selene can do this.

[Marie keeps shaking her head while Selene has the hold locked in. Marie tries to get to the ropes, but no luck and Marie cannot seem to get any movement in toward the ropes. YAKUZA KICK BY JACKIE ON SELENE!! The fans boo as Selene releases the hold and falls on her side.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): Oh my God!

LSD (OFF SCREEN): She came out of nowhere.

[Jackie rolls out of the ring while Marie recovers. More fan join in on the booing as Marie grabs Selene and sets her up for the reverse DDT. It connects and Marie goes for the pin.]


[The bell rings as the band replays the previous song.]

Lance (OFF SCREEN): The winners of the match, as a result of a pin fall: MARIE ADAMS AND JACKIE!

[Key rolls into the ring with Jackie following. Key then raises both girls; arms in victory. Pink can be seen leaning against the apron, looking upset over the loss.]

Billy (OFF SCREEN): All four girls deserve credit. That was a really good match.

Julius (OFF SCREEN): Yeah, but the winners are ones that get the credit no matter what.

Billy (OFF SCREEN): We will be right back after a commercial break.

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