BBW Bomb 01/01/2018steemCreated with Sketch.

in #wrestling7 years ago (edited)

Watch BBW Bomb 01/01/2018 video podcast on Youtube


In the ring

Johnny Rich says that continuing tradition, he presents new BBW True Champion tournament, where 32 best BBW wrestlers will face in single elimination tournament to get chance at BBW Champion title at The Great Challenge PPV, which previously was known as Big Wrestle War.
Bobby: What the great news! BBW is hot and ready for action!
EX-P comes out and says that he wants rematch. TEX and Star come out too and say that they should get shot at Vandor too. Out comes Roundy and says that he won King of Hardcore trophy last night, so he should be one who faces Vandor for BBW Champion title. Psyho comes out and says, if Beast would not injuried his arm, then he would win King of Hardcore trophy, so now he has his eyes set on BBW Champion title. Rich says, that’s enough. Tonight all 5 will be in Fatal 5 way match, with winner going to Head to Head 7 to face against Vandor.
Bobby: 5 way match! Our main event tonight- Roundy vs. Psyho vs. EX-P vs. Star vs. TEX!
Oscar: These men will crush the ring!


BTrue Champion tournament qualifying match:

Kon Dig vs. Grand Sonny

Tik Tik


Kon Dig gets advantage and works on Sonny arm. Kon Dig is dropping the left arm of Sonny over the ring apron. Kon Dig gives Sonny Cannonball into the corner and then goes up on second rope, but Sonny gets out of the way, as Kon Dig goes for Centon splash.
Bobby: Kon Dig crashed hard!
Sonny catches Kon Dig with running big boot and clotheslines him down. Sonny with Double unerhook shoulder breaker for two count on Kon Dig. Sonny goes for Shoulder breaker, but Kon Dig rolls out of the ring, Sonny follows. Kon Dig catch him with back elbow and throws him in the guardrail. Kon Dig then gets on apron and goes for diving Cannonball, but Sonny gets out of the way and Kon Dig crash hard. Referee starts counting Kon Dig out, as Sonny gets in the ring. While referee counts, Big W runs out and gives Spinebuster to Grand Sonny. Kon Dig slides in the ring and covers Sonny for the win.
Bobby: Kon Dig just got huge help from Big W.
Oscar: Last night Big W and Sonny feud didn’t end. Think we will see more from these two.
Bobby: Wait who is that?
Syho runs out and gives TKO to Kon Dig. Syho grabs the mic and says that Johnny Rich can run, but he can’t hide.
Bobby: Syho is hunting the owner of BBW.
Oscar: He is like demon from the Rich past.


Johnny Rich says to Rich Men, that he wants security and doesn’t want to see Syho even close to him.

True Champion tournament qualifying match:

Send vs. Johnny Johnson

Cinsy Bull


Send uses his speed and even gives Johnny Asai Moonsault, but Johnson kicks out. Then JJ gets legs up when Send goes for Triple Jump Moonsault.
Bobby: Send just crashed hard on Johnny knees.
Johnson gives Send high angle Backdrop and legdrop, but gets two count. Then Send tries to come back and goes for Sprinboard cross body block, but Johnson ducks it and Johnny Johnson wins with knee facebuster and Corner evaluated DDT on Send.
Bobby: Corner DDT gets the job done. Johnson advances.


Beast tries to apologize to Rich about his loss and asks him to accept him back in Rich Men. Johnny says, that tonight he will team up with Hero Pirat and he doesn’t care he is beaten from yesterday.

Animal Bross vs. Hero Pirat & Beast

5 in 1




Hero Pirat and Beast control the start of the match, but in the end Hero Pirat goes for Reverse DDT, but Jax gives him Superkick. Then Beast gives Jax Painkiller, but Balu dives on him with top rope Splash and Jax pins Beast for the win.
Bobby: Animal Bross got win over Rich Men.
Oscar: Animal Bross are one of most interesting tag teams in BBW.


Real American says that he needs Mr. America and Dendy in his corner tonight, but Mr. America says that thanks to Americans loses to Fun Faces, they didn’t even qualify in True Champion tournament, so he quits Americans. Real American asks if he can count on Dendy. Dendy says that there are no Americans any more and he quits too.
Bobby: Guess this is the end of Americans. What a promising start, but sad ending.

True Champion tournament qualifying match:

Sherry vs. Real American


Pon Chan

Sherry overpowers Real American, but Real American comes back with some clotheslines. In the end, Sherry miss the corner splash and Real American wins Old American Chokeslam. Real American says he doesn’t need Dendy and Mr. America to win BBW True Champion tournament and there are no Americans anymore, there is just Real America.
Bobby: Real American managed to get the win without Americans and advance into True Champion tournament.

True Champion tournament qualifying match:

Roma Warrior vs. Jeremy Stun

Big Boom

Shim Chill

Roma Warrior and Stun exchange reversals. Roma Warrior gets advantage thanks to speed, but Jeremy gives him hard Neck breaker and works on Roma Warrior neck.
Oscar: Stun setting Roma Warrior up for the Stunner.
Stun goes for Stunner, but Roma Warrior push him into referee and gives him Tornado Bulldog, but referee is down. Then Stun gives Roma Warrior Backdrop, but Johnson Johnny runs out and gives Implant DDT to Stun and then Roma Warrior wins with Warrior Jump.
Bobby: Roma Warrior just beat his long stable mate Jeremy Stun.
Oscar: That wasn’t expected.
Then Johnson gives Corner DDT to Stun.
Bobby: Looks like Johnson haven’t forgotten fallout with Stun.

In the ring

Jay and Vandor come out and Jay presents new BBW Champion Vandor. Johnny Rich comes out and says since Vandor is BBW Champion, he can have only BBW Champion title, so he must give up BBW Continent title. Johnny Rich says, that since it is time for True Champion tournament, so winner of True Champion will not be only named True Champion and get BBW Champion title shot, but as well will get BBW Continent champion. Jay says Johnny Rich can’t do it, but Rich says, rules are rules. Out comes Big Boom, he says, that Vandor injuried his friend Yugi Assasil, so he wants Vandor in non-title match now. Vandor accepts.

Non-title match: Vandor with Jay vs. Big Boom


The Unknown

Big Boom tries to get Vandor down with low dropkick and some stiff leg kicks, but Vandor Clotheslines him down and then powerslams Big Boom. Boom comes back with half Boston crab.
Bobby: Big Boom works on Vandor knee.
Vandor manage to come back with backdrop and then front face sitdown suplex. Then Vandor Powerbombs Big Boom and wins with top rope Moonsault.
Oscar: Guess Big Boom will not get revenge tonight on Vandor.
Bobby: BBW Champion stands tall tonight.


Syho attacks Johnny Rich, but Rich Men stop him and beat him down, then lights go out and Syho disappears. Johnny Rich is angry.


PPV Cold Wrestling

BBW True Champion tournament will continue with other qualifying round matches.

Nr. 1 contender to BBW Champion title at Head to Head 7 five way match:

Rouki Roundy vs. Psyho vs. TEX vs. EX-P vs. Star

Rouki RoundyPsyhoTEXEX-PStar

They go at it to start. Roundy and EX-P clean the ring. EX-P blocks a kick and drops Roundy on the apron. Star comes in and faces off with EX-P. Outside TEX beating down Roundy. Roundy comes back and drops TEX, then drops stomps on him. Roundy runs the ropes and leaps pout onto Psyho, TEX and Star. EX-P then Gorilla press slams Roundy outside and stands tall in the ring.
Bobby: Big chance for EX-P to get his title back.
EX-P suplex Roundy in the ring, but then TEX hits EX-P from behind, but EX-P knocks him down with Clothesline from apron. Psyho then pulls out EX-P and throws him in guardrail. Star corner splashes Rouki in the ring.
Bobby: Everyone is doing their best to get the shot for BBW Champion title.
Star gives Roundy Star drop, but gets two count. EX-P with a clothesline on Psyho outside. EX-P unloads with clotheslines on TEX. Psyho runs into TEX as EX-P moves. EX-P drops Psyho with Shortarm clothesline and bodyslams TEX. Star launches himself over to Psyho on the floor with cross body block.
Oscar: Wow! Star is like 150 kg!
Star fights with Psyho and TEX outside and Star in the ring gives Roundy Overhead belly-to-belly suplex a 2 count.
Bobby: Roundy has more heart than we give him credit for!
Star ends up nailing a suicide dive onto Psyho as TEX pushed Psyho into the move. TEX brings Star back in and nails a clothesline. Star hits a German suplex on TEX for a 2 count. Star goes to the apron. Star goes for Falling star, but TEX gets out of the way. TEX goes for Running powerslam and hits it but Psyho breaks the pin. Psyho with a running elbow and a kick in the corner for a 2 count. TEX goes for Running powerslam on Psyho, but it’s blocked. Psyho goes for the Chokeslam, but can’t lift TEX, as his arm is still weak. Roundy with Spears down Psyho and TEX. Roundy dropkicks EX-P, knocking him from the apron to the floor. Roundy slams TEX with bodyslam and fights off Star. Star clotheslines Roundy out of the ringa and Pyho fights with Roundy outside. EX-P runs over and spears Psyho and Roundy through the barrier.
Oscar: Double spear on both big men!
Bobby: Everyone is big in this match!
Star goes to the top rope and nails a huge Splash on TEX who is laying on announcers table. Star and EX-P are back into the ring after some time. Star unloads on EX-P but EX-P rocks him with an uppercut. Star with a big right hand. Star ducks a clothesline and hits Enziguri. Star goes to powerbomb but it’s blocked. EX-P nails Sitdown spinebuster and covers Star for a close 2 count.
Bobby: Almost had him!
Oscar: This is awesome!
EX-P goes for top rope Splash, but Star gets out of the way and gets 2 count. Star then gives EX-P Star drop, but gets another 2 count. Star goes to the top and nails a Falling star on EX-P for a 2 count, as TEX breaks it up. Star bodyslams TEX and goes to the top again, but TEX gets up and fights with Star on the ropes. EX-P gets up and gives TEX Powerbomb, as he Superplex Star from top rope.
Bobby: That should have broken the ring!
Roundy rolls in the ring and waits to Spear EX-P, but EX-P nails Roundy with Sitdown Spinebuster instead. EX-P signals for Top rope Splash, but Roundy stops him on top rope. Psyho gets on apron and Super Chokeslams Roundy from the top rope, as EX-P Splashes Roundy at same time from top rope. Psyho throws EX-P out of the ring and pins Roundy for the win!
Bobby: Wow! Psyho wins!
Oscar: What a Chokeslam/Splash combo! Roundy must be dead!
Bobby: That means that Vandor will face off Psyho at BBW Head to Head 7!

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