Worth It All

in #worthitall6 years ago (edited)

               "Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts". Ps.33:3

                                                           Playing keyboard during Youth Service

Everyone has their own individual God given skills and talents. You may not know it at first but it's already there until you discover it. 

When you discover your talents and skills what do you do with it?Keep it to yourself or pass it on? So people will be bless also from what you have share to them.

I've been playing keyboard/piano for a long time and I had this desire in mine heart to disciple people to play the keyboard as well but the problem is me. I had fears and doubts that I might not be an effective keyboard teacher but God took all the fears and doubts.

Last November 2017, I started my keyboard class every Saturday morning until now. At first I struggled because of the language. Some can speak English and some are not but thanked God for people who helped me translate it for them.  I would say, I struggled a lot in the area of time management because our time doesn't meet due to Saturday-Sunday classes and many more. All Cambodians from elementary to college do have classes even Saturday and Sunday. That's how dedicated they are in terms of studying. But God gave me more patience and strength to do it all.                                                          

                                          My first student Chan Boramey (Cambodian girl)                                          She first played keyboard Dec.17, 2017 and until now she plays every Sunday Services


Yuan Caleb Eseo (Filipino boy)

He first played Feb. 18,2018 and until now he plays every Sunday Services.

Tana Ha (Cambodian girl)

She first played March 11, 2018, just last Sunday

How proud and thankful I am how God answered my prayers to raise/disciple Cambodians and Filipinos to use their skills for God's glory.

It took me a lot of courage  to build the confidence of these young people. Encouraging and reminding them to use their skills for God's glory and not just playing it but to know whom you are playing with and the meaning of the songs. Most importantly, to serve God with all of their hearts.

The courage, patience, time and effort to spend all of that to your students are not in vain if you see the fruits of your labor. It's an overwhelming joy that you can truly say, Lord, Thank you for the grace! It was worth it all!                                                                                                                                                                             

You might say or ask is it worth to spend time with all those people? Yes, to help them bring out the best in them.                                                                                                                                                                           

Thank you for taking time to read my post. God bless us all!




Nice article sis. A God given talent..upvoted..pls upvote my post. Thank you.

Thank you! A God given talent should be use for His glory :)

Wow! I wanted to play piano as well. Upvoted!

thank you! You can still learn how to play it.. It's never too late po :)

Talented children of God😄

Thank you :)

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