Worth of human in world.

in #worth7 years ago

Oooo finally a good question. Ok I am not going to use the method of counting how much each body part is worth. Let's get real economical now shall we?

Nations economies are compared to GDP yet for people we use GDP PPP. Let's see what Wikipedia say about that.


Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all final goods and services produced in a period (quarterly or yearly). Nominal GDP estimates are commonly used to determine the economic performance of a whole country or region, and to make international comparisons. Nominal GDP per capita does not, however, reflect differences in the cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries; therefore using a basis of GDP per capita at purchasing power parity (PPP) is arguably more useful when comparing differences in living standards between nations.

Cool stuff huh? Let's see how much you are worth.

Countries by GDP (PPP) per capita (US dollars) in 2015, by the International Monetary Fund.

But wait there is more. This is your value per year to your country! Remember GDP PPP changes annually, thus your value just like stocks goes up and down every year.

Now, now you don't think we are done yet. If you take every year GDP PPP from your birth to date this will result in your total value to your economy up to date. That would be quite a number.

That number increase with education and healthcare and employment and so on. But it really represent the average value of people not the actual value. You don't think you in diapers would add anything to economy do you now? Actually you create demand for diapers so in a way yes!

Yet to know your actual real fiscal value would be every income + your assets value growth for every year you have an income or assets. Ok what does that mean? Walk with me dear human.

Let's say you don't own anything that worth calling asset. No your underwear depreciat in value and we already count it in your income. Say you just finished school and got a job. Your salary is your value and every time you get a raise or fired that value add up or drop down. Then you got a house and the price you bought it is not included in your value because you pay it from your income. But the market value of your house increase every year (hopefully) and that increase in value is added on top of your real value.

Now how do you know you are a valuable citizen to your economy? If your actual real fiscal value equals or more than your country GDP PPP then good for you. But if it is less don't be sad. You are the ladder step for others to be valuable citizens. Someone need to do the dirty jobs until a robot replace you. Oh you are upset? Don't be, remember education and self improvement is investing in your self to increase your value just like a business. You can increase your value, unless you are way below poverty line living on couple of dollars per day then just blame your lousy government, it's not your fault for not having a chance to be educated and improved. If you live of nature and have no use of money then congratulations this doesn't concern you at all.

Now children and disabled adults who owns no assets or could not create income share the value of their care takers expenses on them not to mention the tax money spent on them by the government from others incomes. They are demand creators. No one is valueless.

Now to be the most valuable player in an economy you have to be a job creator. The more jobs you create the more valuable you are but not necessarily most fiscally valuable, more like most economically valuable. Where your employees value drive their value from yours, but the growth of your value come from them. It's a cycle, in economics everything is.

Let's calculate my GDP per capita PPP value since my birth to 2016.

Well I am older than 1990 generation but this is the data available and the average is 87,100$ between 1990–2016.

Lookingat historical GDP per capita earlier we can safely assume the above average is not going to be less.

At 87,100$ per year for my value by 2016 I am worth total of 2.7 million dollars to my country economy on average up to 2016. If we assume the average hold for let's say the average life expectancy for males is 75 (females 80 yeah they outlive us). My current average estimated total life value in GDP PPP is $ 6,532,500. If I exceeded this amount during my life with considiration to moving averages then I could say that I am above average valuble to my economy, boring status, but exceeding your annual average every year make you a decent citizen to your economy not a liability especially to tax payers, extra especially to welfare countries.

When you think you are worthless then consider this. You actually worth a lot to your country, economic wise that is. Yet your life cannot be valued with money for the people who love you, for they might even sacrifice their own lives to save yours.

Live long and prosper.


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