Steemit Iron Chef 2018 ~ Act 02 Round 08 ~ The World's Smallest Ice-Cream Sandwich- " I Wish I Had A Smaller Mouth!!!" ~ Original Photography And Short Discussion About A Most-Awesome "Skinny" Dessert ~

in #worldssmallestdessert6 years ago (edited)

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The Most Minuscule Ice Cream Sandwich On Earth

"Never Met A Dessert, I Didn't Like. Even A TINY One" -W.C. Fieldds

The Basic Building Blocks

Limited Edition Girl Scout Thin Mint Cereal Discs
Talenti - Cinnamon Peach Biscuit Gelato
A Standard Nickel (For Size Comparison)
A WHOLE lot of patience building (and eating) a very, very small dessert

That's One Tiny Ice Cream Sandwich

I recently bought a box of Girl Scout, Thin Mint cereal, just because I could. Let's face it, who doesn't absolutely LOVE the Thin Mint cookies those girls in green sell at the door and on card tables out in front of the grocery store now and then. Particularly if you plunk those boxed wafers of delight into the freezer first. Hot-weather heaven, at 31° Fahrenheit.

Though absolutely phenomenal as a cookie, they were a bit lacking in the arena of cereal mixology. Primarily involving that ALL-important, final consumption step. Afraid they were a bit 'off' in flavor, when spooning up a bowl during Saturday morning cartoons in the living room. For some reason the minty flavor leaves a bit to be desired that early in the morning. Maybe it's just me. Sorry General Mills. And all you Girl Scouts out there. GREAT idea though.

But What About The Ice Cream Sandwich?

Jump ahead to last night. And the latest contest by @progressivechef. This week's theme is small sandwiches. And what could be better than a tiny ice cream sandwich? OK, a HUGE ice cream sandwich.

Staring at the little mint-chocolate discs on the shelf in the pantry (now in a jar, see below ↓), I was immediately taken back to hot, summer days of old. We three kids lined up in the kitchen, my Mom standing at the freezer door, doling out round, thick, full-sized ice cream sandwiches to each of us. Of course, accompanied by Standard Momism Admonishment #27: "take it outside". They WERE messy to eat, but OH so good. Hence, an idea was hatched for this contest.

A TINY ice cream sandwich. The chocolate cereal discs look like a perfect, small-scale replacement for that dark, chewy cookie thing on the outside of a standard-size ice cream sandwich. Of course, there's all kinds of ice cream in my freezer for the important filler. The rest is just craft, and hopefully small-world dessert history.

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The Tiny Pie Process

Stacking the little things together was a chore, and it took a bit of practice to get the wafer-to-gelato mix just right. But it all worked out in the end. I used some really tasty cinnamon peach biscuit (?) gelato I had in the freezer for the filler, and carefully 'knifed' it on to the wafers to make little sandwiches.

I wanted to photograph a whole parade of them on the plate in one photo, but these small doobers took real skill to manufacture, and they melted apart under my lights at an alarming rate. Such is the life of high-order cookery and resulting photography. Back to one ice cream sandwich at a time on the plate in the end.

I think these Thin Mint cereal wafers make a truly nifty little ice cream sandwich. Plus the added benefit of eating a whole BUNCH of them during the photo session. Wonder how many tiny pies it would take to make one standard, full-sized ice cream sandwich? Can you say: "Mighty fun kitchen experiment for another night?" I just need to dig my balance scale out from the garage for a true, accurate, multi-combination-al, small-to-large dessert sandwich comparison.

No, NOT The Original Box

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The author's hand-drawn, hand-colored rendition of the Thin Mint Cereal box. Unfortunately, I ran over the original box with my office chair one day, scrunching it up pretty good (writing can be a rambunctious sport). Weeks later, in a whirlwind cleaning frenzy, I inadvertently re-cycled the box. Thus leaving nothing to photograph for the @steemit-ironchef contest this week. Large bummer.

I called a bunch of grocery stores, to buy another box of cereal, only to discover they don't even MAKE this stuff any longer. It was a "Special Run". I suppose that's what the yellow Limited Edition tag in the upper right corner of the box was trying to tell me. They're limited!

The grocery guy on the phone was very helpful, though he sounded a bit tired when I talked to him: "Sorry sir, if you thrashed the original box for your ultra-important project with your chair wheels. You'll have to draw one on your own now."

So...after setting up the drafting table and doodling away, this [above ↑] is what the cereal box looked like, more or less.

In Small Dessert Conclusion

I highly recommend making these mini ice cream sandwiches for yourself. They'd be GREAT for anyone trying to lose weight, or stick to a healthy diet. My only suggestion? Eat them fast, as they melt much more rapidly than a full-sized sandwich. All that physics falderaugh: mass, temperature and freezing point and other assorted science details. Also...good luck finding more outer covers for your tiny ice cream creations. Since they no longer make these minty breakfast wafers.

I suppose if you peruse the cereal aisle of the local grocer's, you may find some other oddly-cool cereals to make up the outer layer of a small dessert sandwich. It's truly amazing how many funky cereals they manufacture these days, that can be used for all SORTS of things.

Good luck, and happy Tiny Ice Cream Sandwich dessert-building in the future. Only suggestion? Don't eat more than about 47, before you go to bed. I realize they're very small, but believe you me, they're also quite mighty.

~ Finto ~

Thanks for stopping in and viewing my newest minuscule dessert creation. If you have any thoughts about regular OR small ice cream sandwiches, other tiny desserts, how to photograph miniature foodstuff's under hot lights before they melt, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

Please UPVOTE, COMMENT and FOLLOW if you enjoy my works.

And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...

Posted: 07/27/2018 @ 12:40

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Excerpts From Late-Night Conversations With A Mechanical Cat

Fact Number 86

4-6-2018 Ants On A Log Sixth Grade Crossing Guard.PNG


That was a very ingenious way to go about it. Chek might have worked too. Do you have that cereal in the states. It was pretty gross as a cereal if I remember. It got soggy too fast but it would probable work well with ice cream. The sales girl was too funny:) I did find this shot for you in the creative commons.



But your drawing was better:):):)

Ha haa. They were a bit odd tasting. kind of a waxy, chocolate thing going on, with that minty after taste. Not even close to some of my favorite breakfasts in a bowl. I did a whole post on the art of cereal mixing long ago. A true art of the AM, that's for sure.

We do have this here, but think it might be seasonal? Do you get the cookies too? They are hard to beat. Come to think of it, they're a bit waxy too. Maybe that's a theme here in cereal planning land.

Glad you liked my drawing. I didn't look hard enough to find a creative commons one. Though I guess it helps me to keep sharp on my excellent drawing and drafting skills O : times 50.
Do you have girl scouts up yonder? Or did you just get it in the states? Cheerio(s) (My salutation seems a bit apropos for this post, I must say ( :

We have the scouts for girl and boys and also thin mints:):):)

Nice post . This is so different in another post . Steemit is very powerful side . And many people work this side .

Thanks for sharing @ddschteinn

Thanks, glad you enjoyed the post. It was fun making tiny desserts. Even if they are hard to stop eating ( :


Thanks, so glad the small kitten and even smaller kitten enjoyed it. Or is that a teddy bear? Either way, have a nice night.

Ooh, a martini cat. Who knew this was possible

Gimme like 20 of that!!

I think you left a zero off that estimate there. They are very small. But they would not survive in the mail for long. So you must now go to the store, and find some cereal and ice cream, and make a mass production line of them. ( :

Looks so tasty!

Wow so small, what a cool idea

Never before in the history of culinary affairs has so much effort produced so few calories.

And illustrations!

A nickel sized sandwich! I bet with a little more work you could bring that thing down to a dime.

Very creative sandwich and it looks yummy! It’s the tiniest sandwich that I have ever seen. Yeah! It’s very awesome indeed.

I’m an ice-cream lover, I want to try it by myself, for sure. Thanks for sharing.

Have a nice weekend, GFF! ;)

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Very impressive rendering I must say!

You might want to patant this idea. I can see a whole new industry being born. Yep, diet sized desserts for those on diets that want to cheat a little but can't afford the guilt of the full sized version! Yes I applaud your efforts to bring back desserts for all!

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