Another False Flag Pearl Harbor Part 2? - [World]

in #worlds7 years ago (edited)

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Hawaii Prepares for Missile Attack

The Governments of the World DO NOT have the interest of the common person. There are so many examples of Government doing its own people WRONG, or completely lying (remember Sadam's Weapons of Non-existing Mass Destruction).

The US Government knew of the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor during WWII, and allowed it in order to rally public sentiment for WAR just like they did with the Towers and 9/11. The important question to ask is who makes money during WAR. Nobody remembers the BUSH patriarch, Prescott Bush, and his bank being seized by US authorities for supporting Hitler and the Nazis, but it happened. The Bushs, Cheneys, Rumsfelds and many others that continue their cronyism using American Politics continue to enrich themselves, their minions, and their generations to come at the expense of the rest of the World.

So was today's False Alarm of a missile heading towards Hawaii another Pearl Harbor in the making? War makes money for these rich Psychopaths, and BONE SPURS a' la Donald Trump keep them from fighting in a WAR but NOT FROM STARTING ONE.

Hawaii Panics after False Missile Alert


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heal the world, make it a better place!

I hate to say this but the Politics behind the Governments are Dirty as hell. We have had many instances in India where entire Naxalite organizations just up and vanished once a new party came to Power.

It's​ just Bizzare.

You are absolutely right, there are a lot of white heels in the military history of America, but even now many understand that past and real wars are beneficial only to those forces that earn on these wars, as a rule, they are military corporations. Victims among soldiers and civilians are not interested in them. Thank you @streetstyle

You got that #lies tag on point

governments controlling them on their actions which is really sad

interesting part you just shared about it thanks for sharing

Many military people work behind every country's government, many times many mistakes are made for politics, which has resulted in many organizations lost. Victims of soldiers and civilians are not interested in them. The war is not good for everyone, it may be good for some people.

its always the common man that suffers not these rich psychopaths

With blood on their hands, they keep getting benefits from conflicts and no one cares that people die.

It is just terrible, that bastards will do anything to get profits. Even if people die and civilians lose their families. To sell their stupid weapons after provoking a conflict that never should've happened.

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