Worldcup 2018 Group F - Toni Kroos Save Germany With Last Minute Scored

in #worldcup6 years ago


Toni Kroos celebrate his goal againt Sweden

Dear steemians,

Before match against Sweden in matchday 2 World Cup 2018 Germany national team in difficult situation due to 0-1 defeat of Mexico, Germany must win the game against Sweden because if to lose or draw, chances of Germany to knockout round will be lost.

The tense faces of the German players and supporters were clearly visible during the match, despite dominating games up to 70% but the Germans could not score against Sweden, but the Swedish counter-attack was extremely dangerous for the German back line.

In the 32nd minute the defensive Sweden managed to score through Toivonen's flick, the goal lasted until the end of the first half and made the German players more frustrated.

Germany can not score against Sweden, but the Swedish counter-attack is very dangerous for the German back line.

In the 32nd minute the defensive Swede managed to score through Toivonen's flick, the goal lasted until the end of the first half and made the German players more frustrated.

In the second half, Germany's continuing attacking managed to score through Marco Reus in the 48th minute, the goal managed to treat a little frustration of the players and supporters of Germany.

But in the minute 82nd Germany had to play with 10 men after center defender Jerome Boateng received a red card from referee Marciniak (Poland), playing with ten players making Germany players and supporters anxious again and will fail to win the game.

Germany continued to attack and control the match despite playing with 10 players, some golden opportunities failed to be a goal thanks to the rescue of the Sweden goalkeeper and goalpost.


It looks like the match will end in a draw because until the extra time of the second half, no more goals are created, but in the 90 +5 minute there was a foul on the right side of the Swedish defense, Toni Kroos took the kick, teaming with Marco Reus then kick off the right foot curved and managed to break through the Swedish goalkeeper and make the German players and supporters in the fisht stadium cheer bubbling his excitement, anxiety and frustration have been lost and saved Germany to qualify for the knockout round thanks to such a beautiful goal.

What a thrilling and drama game during the 2018 World Cup, Germany had to wait until the final minutes to score the winning goal.

Germany currently has 3 points and must return to win the last game in the group phase against South Korea to get a ticket to the knockout round, another ticket ensured to belong to Mexico after winning the match against South Korea last night.


Sebelum pertandingan melawan Swedia di matchday 2 piala dunia 2018 timnas Jerman dalam situasi sulit karena mengalami kekalahan 0-1 dari Mexico, Jerman harus memenangkan pertandingan melawan Swedia karena jika sampai kalah ataupun seri, peluang Jerman ke babak knock out akan hilang.

Wajah-wajah tegang para pemain dan pendukung Jerman terlihat jelas saat pertandingan, meskipun menguasai permainanan sampai 70% tetapi timnas Jerman tidak bisa mencetak gol ke gawang Swedia, akan tetapi serangan balik Swedia sangat berbahaya bagi lini belakang Jerman.

Pada menit ke 32 Swedia yang bermain defensif berhasil mencetak gol melalui sontekan Toivonen, gol tersebut bertahan sampai akhir babak pertama dan membuat para pemain Jerman semakin frustasi.

Di babak kedua, timnas Jerman yang terus menyerang berhasil mencetak gol lewat Marco Reus pada menit ke 48, gol tersebut berhasil mengobati sedikit rasa frustasi para pemain dan pendukung Jerman.

Namun pada menit ke 82 Jerman harus bermain dengan 10 pemain setelah center bek Jerome Boateng menerima kartu merah dari wasit Marciniak (Poland), bermain dengan sepuluh orang pemain kembali membuat pemain dan pendukung cemas Jerman akan gagal memenangkan pertandingan.

Jerman terus menyerang dan menguasai pertandingan meskipun bermain dengan 10 pemain, beberapa peluang emas gagal menjadi gol berkat penyelamatan kiper Swedia dan tiang gawang.

Sepertinya pertandingan akan berakhir imbang karena sampai tambahan waktu babak kedua, belum ada gol lagi yang tercipta, namun pada menit 90+5 terjadi pelanggaran di area sebelah kanan pertahanan Swedia, Toni Kroos mengambil tendangan tersebut, bekerja sama dengan Marco Reus kemudian melepaskan tendangan kaki kanan melengkung dan berhasil menembus gawang Swedia dan membuat para pemain dan pendukung Jerman di fisht stadion bersorak meluapkan kegembiraannya, kecemasan dan rasa frustasi telah hilang dan menyelamatkan Jerman untuk lolos ke babak knock out berkat gol cantik tersebut.

Sungguh sebuah pertandingan yang menegangkan dan penuh drama selama piala dunia 2018, Jerman harus menunggu sampai menit akhir untuk mencetak gol kemenangan.

Jerman saat ini mempunyai 3 poin dan harus kembali memenangkan pertandingan terakhir di fase grup menghadapi Korea Selatan untuk mendapat satu tiket ke babak knock out, satu tiket lainnya dipastikan menjadi milik Mexico setelah memenangkan pertandingan melawan Korea Selatan semalam.

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