The «World Bit Bank»

in #world6 years ago

The World Bit Bank project is the first international legal bank for crypto currency, which aims to create and provide an ordinary buyer with the ability to conduct transactions with crypto-currencies both in virtual space and in the real world.
The "World Bit Bank" project is already a working system that will unite under its own leadership 10 existing banks in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, India, Japan, Australia.
The goal of World Bit Bank is to qualitatively supplement the services of the traditional banking sector with electronic platforms, introduce crypto currency into the work of banks and help ordinary people use the crypto currency in everyday life.
The World Bit Bank project creates a crypto bank that will provide the full range of traditional banking services with the use of crypto-currencies in its activities. In addition to traditional banking products, World Bit Bank will offer individual solutions for individuals and businesses in an inexpensive banking environment.
The structure of the World Bit Bank:
• leasing company;
• Insurance Company;
• crypto-currency fund.
Crypto-currency storage is a complicated procedure for ordinary customers. As a result, customers prefer to keep their crypto currency from third parties. This method destroys one of the key properties of the crypto currency, namely, control over own assets. There is also a problem in using only one crypto currency purse. Customers of the World Bit Bank Bank should not be limited to only one crypto currency, they must have access to the entire economy of assets.
The mobile application "WBB WALLET" offers a solution to these problems - a mechanism that combines tokens and a debit card. The project consists of such components: payment cards "World Bit Bank" and "WBB WALLET".
The World Bit Bank project is a platform that will create a group of crypto currency banks and become the world's first legal crypto currency bank. This project is quite unique and will allow customers to use the crypto currency in any operation anywhere in the world at any time.

The World Bit Bank project is registered on the territory of the European Union and is subject to the laws of European jurisdiction. The company received a number of necessary licenses: for storage (FRK000019 from 12.02.2018) and trade in crypto currency (FVR000027 from 12.02.2018). The purchase of European banks will solve the problem of mutual integration of the crypto currency, real money and modern conversion systems.
The European financial market is considered the most reliable in the world, where cases of bankruptcy and fraud are practically absent. Cryptobank will work with observance of all laws of the Eurozone and the legislation of other countries, on the basis of permits and licenses issued by the licensing authorities of these countries.
Absolute legality and banking licenses make the project attractive for business:

  1. Payments and transfers in any currency.
  2. Payment of taxes.
  3. Any credit, settlement, deposit, cash transactions.
  4. Leasing services.
    The technology blockchain allows you to create and store all the registries for committed transactions, confirming the legality and legality of operations.

    The start-up «World Bit Bank» is a powerful and promising direction on legalization of the crypto currency and creation of the first legally lawful bank. The international team of experts in the field of international law and jurisprudence, specialists in the field of banks and financial management, developers of IT-technologies, leading marketers and economists work on the project. "World Bit Bank" is a real project that has the appropriate registration, permits and licenses of the European Union for operations with crypto currency. The legality of the project's activities is considered from the point of view of European law, where the crypto currency and transactions with it have a legal status, and has many powerful tools for implementing technical, legal and other solutions.
    Detailed information on the following links:

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