Australia - Third World Shithole

in #world6 years ago

The only reason anyone could be grateful about living in Australia now that it has been officially declared a Third World shithole is just like in all the other Third World shitholes on the planet life is cheap and expendable.

Long gone are the days where a woman like me needs to be wined, dined, pampered and spoilt by a man before I ultimately decide I don't like him as all that type of romanticising bullshit is reserved for people living in First World countries. Now that I live in a Third World shithole I usually come to the decision I don't like someone over an initial cup of coffee, which not only is way cheaper financially for him, but it also saves me investing valuable time on someone I more than likely will ultimately dislike, anyway.

Total win/win situation!

But that is not even the best part about now living in a Third World shithole as the best part about now living in a Third World shithole is I don't even have to make the effort to dispose of the bodies of all the people I ultimately come to dislike if they keep annoying me, which was more of an inconvenience than anything else because my local council only collects household organic waste material every fortnight. All of which meant I've often had a dead body with arms and legs hanging out the side of my green lidded organic wheelie bin for more than a week on some occasions raising unnecessary suspicion amongst my neighbours. But now that I live in a Third World shithole I can just dump the bodies on my nature strip out in the open in lieu of hard rubbish day - which is a service provided by my council every three months - as I figure the bodies will have sufficiently decomposed enough by then to qualify as hard rubbish as opposed to organic rubbish.

Of course, Australia has been unofficially a Third World shithole for quite some time now having satisfied the two basic requirements necessary to qualify for international shithole status:

1: A predominately uneducated stupid population

2: A predominately corrupt judiciary

The only reason Australia had not officially been declared a Third World shithole before now is because the Australian Government feared the remote possibility some intelligent person(s) may thwart our visa application screening process which has been specifically designed to refuse entry to all the cultured intelligent people on the planet wanting to visit our shores and maybe wanting to immigrate here at some future date. Of course, these people are easy to detect because they are usually white people from First World countries. But now that white racism is the only acceptable form of racism on the planet these people stand fuck all chance of being granted even a visiting visa; whereas, in contrast, permanent resident visas are handed out like confetti to the lowliest uneducated barbaric savages on the planet who are even easier to detect because these people are usually non-white people from Third World shitholes in Africa whose idea of being polite towards a white woman is not instantly hacking her to death with a machete.

Third World.jpg

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