" World Bit Bank"

in #world6 years ago

The project involves the development of technologies and the creation of an international crypto bank under the brand "World Bit Bank" (WBB), which is based on two key technologies: mobile, as a means of exchanging real-time money transactions, and blockchain technology - using the crypto currency (Wincoin token) as units calculation of all economic operations in the "World Bit Bank" ecosystem.
The activities of World Bit Bank are the creation and implementation of crypto-acquiring tools. The appearance of a legal international banking organization is a great opportunity for both individuals and legal entities. For individuals, the "WBB" project is, first of all, effective tools for converting, spending or cashing out digital assets. For legal entities, it is an opportunity to legalize the income received in the crypto currency, conduct any operations with digital currencies (payment acceptance, storage, investment, lending and the full range of banking services, including payment of taxes). The "WBB" system assumes a phased implementation of the project, the result of which will be the unification of 10 leading licensed banking organizations in different countries of the world.
The development of the WBB software for customer service is based on blockchain technology. The mechanism of the utility "WBB-Wallet" will allow to control, write off and use digital assets in any other currency. Multiplatform utility "WBB-Wallet" will work in real time, allowing you to automatically calculate effective and profitable exchange rates and instantly convert assets.

The World Bit Bank project introduces Wincoin (WBB), a block-based Ethereum based token, which is conceived as a public-key crypto currency for everyday digital services such as payments, currency conversion, and value storage. Wincoin (WBB) will become the unit for calculating all economic operations in the "World Bit Bank" ecosystem and will serve as a basis for interaction with other digital services.
It is planned that the composition of the banking group will include:

  • leasing company,
  • Insurance Company,
  • crypto fund.
    The World Bit Bank (WBB) project is the development of a technological solution, the "highest" of blockchain technology and related to 5G finance, namely:
  • Absolute transboundarity,
  • Cross-platform,
  • ease of use,
  • the moment of operations,
  • money is always under the control of the client, the management of the client's funds without his knowledge is impossible,
  • low or zero transaction fees,
  • high degree of security due to cryptography,
  • API with open source,
  • full transparency of origin and movement of funds between accounts,
  • Authentication.

    A debit card "World Bit Bank" (VISA / MasterCard / UnionPay) will be issued for each customer together with the application. The card will allow you to make purchases, withdrawals or cash payments through existing payment terminals and virtual payment systems around the world.

Stages of realization of the company "World Bit Bank":

  1. PRE-ICO - attraction of investments at the beginning of the main collection and implementation of the project - started on April 27, 2018 and ended on June 27, 2018. In the process of implementation of this stage, soft cap (SOFT CAP) is reached: the lower limit of attracted investments. The amount of SOFT CAP is € 500 thousand euros.
  2. ICO starts on 01/09/2018, the expected date of termination of the ICO is 31/12/2018. HARD CAP - the upper limit of collection - is € 25 million euro. Achieving hardcap is planned by attracting investments. The funds will be spent on the purchase of the first of the ten banks in the project list, software development and purchase of hardware.
  3. The internal crypto currency of the project is Wibcoin (WBB). It is based on the existing crypto currency Ethereum. The volume of Wibcoin: 1,000,000,000 tokens. The internal digital currency is intended for transferring any other crypto currency of legal entities and individuals into the necessary digital or fiat currency for calculations both in the network and in the physical world.
  4. Tokensail - the sale of tokens - will start with the start of the ICO phase of the start-up "World Bit Bank". The distribution of tokens will only be within the ICO. Investors should hurry, as ICO's timeframe is short. In the future, tokens will be available only on open exchanges.

All necessary links for this ICO:

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