Not Good: Bernie Losing Support from Young Voters

in #world5 years ago

Not Good: Bernie Losing Support from Young Voters

Bernie Sanders appears to be losing support from 18-29-year-old voters according to a recent Morning Consult poll

Do you think this is real?


Bernie lost all of his street cred when he capitulated to Hillary. The only reason to go for him now is if you don't think Yang will be destructive enough for an accelerationist agenda...

hmm, not sure about that analysis

LMFAOOOOOO you're so fucking dumb it's unbelievable.

Communism is a form of anarchy


what are worker co-ops

not like you to post conspiratorial fan fiction about things you don't understand anything about ;3

Thats ok because you lack self awareness to a point that you don't even realize Bernie is fucked precisely because racist sexist bigots like you in the first place. I know shit like this probably justifies your little existences by proving how smart you are and how literally every other human being on earth is fucking scum and should be killed.

Meh, you are not even worth my time talking to.

keep going with the fanfiction, make more things up about me! You are definitely logical!

Lack of self awareness

Can you not strawman for once? Genuinely, it's a little pathetic.

just wait for the debates, Biden will implode

He capitulated and bowed to the DNC last time.

In his 1999 book First Break All The Rules, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Caughman clearly denote that "People don't change that much. Don't waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in. That is hard enough."

Bernie flipped like a cheap whore. It is his nature. As such, while he sounds good, and has good ideas, he, as in the past will capitulat at the appropriate time.

This is a trate that is obvious to all.


Posted using Partiko Android

if you think bernie flipped on anything you haven't paid attention to anything since November 2016 and it shows.

You are correct, I have not paid much attention to Bernie since.

Posted using Partiko Android

yeah so you support war in yemen then?

Actually I don't, nor Venezuela, Iran or any other place. Having family in Venezuela and close friends in Iran I have supported, with support meaning financially, them and anti war causes. Sending a family 1 dash in Venezuela and receiving a viedo thanks has been my favourite support.

It is sad your approach is to pre-judge another human. Prejudice people have a rich history of causing debilitating harm to people that simply deserve to be treated as a human.


Posted using Partiko Android

So how do you feel about Bernie pushing to end the wars? Being that he was the one pushing for it. Since you hate him and all, and he seems to be the only one being anti war

I don't hate Bernie. Again I will note, unless being prejudice is a natural or uncontrollable behavior, I am capable of communicating my views, or noting I have no opinion.

I am happy that Bernie is anti war. As I previously noted, so am I.

If you are referring to the current US election cycle there are several that have voiced anti war positions. However most candidate's since Truman have voiced opposition to war only to get involved directly or indirectly, with Regan and the Iran-Contra being a prime example of indirect meddling in other governments.


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You actually think bernie is secretly pro war? Incredible.

Yep exactly. He destroyed himself the moment he refused to go Bernie / Jill in the election. Then on top of that zoomers are lean a lot more towards getting away from fake progressive politics that Millennials keep droning on about.

Muh CIS white males are evil!
Muh Vote for Hillary its her turn!
Muh Captain marvel is the first Women super hero to ever break the glass ceiling!
Muh Punch everyone who disagrees with me!
Muh Everyone I disagree with is a Nazi!

Its a shit show and zoomers are sick of the bullshit. Its not fucking cool, its just bullshit. Bernie is tainted with that shit to no end after he justified all of it by pushing for Hillary like a total spineless idiot. It was a disgusting display and still is embarrassing as fuck to this very day.

Stop capitalizing cis you illiterate goofball. It's fucking embarrassssiiingggg.

Also, the conspiracy theories about millennials are really weird.

Well ask the guy who made the thread about his video who noticed the problem. If its so weird then ... Believe whatever YOU want! Its magical dragons and unicorns. Or maybe .. ..


So are you gonna stop capitalizing cis like an illiterate goofball, yes or no? Don't get triggered, answer the question, snowflake.


Is triggered, tells me to stop being triggered

ah, the classic "no u!", how's your other 2005 memes doing?

It's strange that those who were polled were not given Tulsi Gabbard as a possible choice.

As for the supposition that Bernie might be losing the support of the 18-29 group to Joe B... (Hhhhhh...) Joe Bide... (Hhhhhhhhffxpfpf...) Joe Biden, that is ludicrous and absurd.

There might be 10-20 – total – Bernie supporters nationwide who would switch allegiances thusly, but not 10%! And not even 1%.

They'd sooner buy a sheet of postage stamps, give up email, and start writing letters to their friends. Or sell their car and buy a horse.

Joe Biden. Ha ha ha.

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