Finally an Idea That Could Bring About World Peace — and It’s Going Viral

in #world7 years ago (edited)

Finally a solution for people that are tired of all these wars around the world?

United Kingdom — A group of activists dedicated to ending the relentless cycle of war have raised over $100,000 towards their goal in a month. The appeal from World Citizen Solutions to those who are sick and tired of their taxes being used to fund wars they vehemently disagree with, has resulted in a remarkable outpouring of financial support.

Bold claims made by the Indiegogo Campaign promise supporters that they “will be part of something game-changing.” Contributors are offered the chance to create real and lasting change and positively impact humanity, both now and in the future.

Taking our power back

World Citizen Solutions founder, Ken O’Keefe, said:

“Humanity’s challenge at this decisive point in history is to face a monster that is desperately attempting to expand its tyrannical system of human enslavement. Simultaneously human consciousness is growing with unparalleled expansion and this is a grave threat to the tyrants. Only one of these forces, humanity or tyranny, can succeed and the world we handover to our children and future generations will be defined by our success or failure in this regard. The irony is that the tyrants have no power but that which we have unwittingly relinquished to them… in order to create a better world we simply need to take our power back. That is my ultimate goal; a better world. My wisdom in this matter comes from the knowledge that the attainment of this goal is not up to me, it is up to us.”

Backed by over 1,000 people so far, the campaign promises its supporters a lawful way to extract themselves from tax obligations it claims make them accomplices to perpetual war and financiers of war crimes.

Sounds good, right?

Claiming to be 100% dedicated to ending the perpetual cycle of war, the mission is to usher in what World Citizen Solutions calls “a lasting era of justice and peace.” The team are developing legal and social strategic initiatives they claim will have profound effects on releasing humanity from its current paradigm.

“The tear under my eye expresses the sorrow I feel for all the insanity I see humanity involved in” – Ken O’Keefe

The project is the baby of ex-U.S. marine and confrontational anti-war activist Ken O’Keefe. The widely-respected author and lecturer formally renounced his U.S. citizenship in 2001 and now holds Irish, Hawaiian, and Palestinian citizenship. Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq, he also served as captain on the Free Gaza Mission in 2008. He survived Israel’s attack on the Mavi Marmara in 2010.

Also a boat captain, dive instructor, and social entrepreneur, O’Keefe’s efforts have rescued endangered turtles in Hawaii and other untold amounts of marine life. He successfully lobbied for the creation of the North Shore’s first Marine Sanctuary, and founded Deep Ecology — a dive operation in Hawaii that also focuses on education and environmental protection. A lawfully declared World Citizen, O’Keefe claims his ultimate allegiance is to his entire human family and to planet Earth.

O’Keefe said he has been inspired and motivated by support for the campaign and the sheer amount of people wanting to take back power and regain their humanity. Donations — the largest of which was $3,000, although the vast majority have been smaller — will go towards paying the“modest but realistic” salaries of a small team to do the essential work.

“Believe me, I have tried to do world-changing things on a volunteer basis and it just doesn’t work,” he said. “You can’t rely on it and unfortunately the powers that be will use infiltrators to get close to you through ‘volunteerism.’” Claiming he has “been there, done that,” O’Keefe is happy to be able pay a small team he can completely trust.

Although World Citizen Solutions hasn’t laid out exactly how it plans to achieve its goals — the mission has so far resonated deeply with over 1,200 backers — many are undoubtedly inspired by the integrity of O’Keefe, who clearly walks the walk. You can watch an update on the campaign here:

This article has been shared under creative commons 3.0 licence and with attribution to


I didn't get an explanation as to how to achieve that goal. Even if he seems like an honorable man, I simply can not believe such a way is possible. I hope but do not believe he and his team will make it.

NIce article and I too am a member of the World Citizen's Solutions. To me it makes a whole lot of sense. The problem is the system isn't necessarily operating under legal or lawful means. So really we need a lot of people to wake up and smell the opportunity for peace the world citizen's Solution organization represents.

Do you know what the actual strategy is?

International law supports human rights. The prosecution of war without acceptable provocation is against international law. Taxing someone who has the evidence that your country is warmongering is a very costly practice. It is also a violation of the Uniform Commercial Code and said country could lose the right to operate in Commerce.


These video uploads are over a year old , since then there have been many accusations about this being a ponzi scheme which I'm not saying is true but you should of covered in this article in the interests of balance. I'm a fan of O'keefe but he didn't come out of this looking good.

What whistleblower comes out looking good. It is too obvious a ploy to attempt to shoot the messenger. I am glad however that you mention the fact that covering it in the article would bring balance, because such is true. It also would bring more credibility to the reputation of the world citizens solutions organization. This is one of those things that require people do their own research on and this is it's weakness. Everyone has PHD desease, which means "push here dummy" and as a result if there isn't a button that can be pushed it most likely won't happen. lol

Very few whistleblowers are turned on by members of their own whistleblower community actually. This post is very lazy research. If its a ploy to shoot the messenger then why would Max Igan, another huge name in alternative research have called out this scheme. Your calling other people dummies but you clearly haven't done any research yourself. This is just another cut n paste article where someone posts things from Youtube and nobody takes time to investigate the context. The world citizen organisation has a reputation in tatters from these matters which happened over a year ago. Your videos are from the beginning of 2016 this is misleading and really poor reporting.

As I said Im a fan of O'keefe for many years so I think he deserves to put his point forward as he did in an open letter in September 2016.

Heres Max Igans take and accusations of a pyramid scheme

Everyone in the alternative research community knew about all this at the time and I'm really not taking sides between these two guys I'm wondering though why people like you are reporting year old news completely out of context? Not only are you showing absolute ignorance of whats been going on for years with people you seemed to have only heard of today your then trying to defend your actions. Your advertising on Steemit for people to donate to something thats been accused of criminal activity without, giving readers any balance or context. Irresponsible at best downright negligent at worst.

While I don't know about Max Igans and having watched the video you have provided. The question in my mind that stands out is; Why is he not providing the same method of judicial produce for ken O'Keefe. In theory I can say that it sounds rational, but if it is rational why is there this seeming incongruity in how he is going on after Ken?

You are right that I don't know either Ken nor Max, but I have actually checked out Ken and the World Citizens Solutions. The international law and the commercial law is actually there. Just so you know this is not coming from Ken Lawyers and the brief provided by Ken's site. I have before every hearing about Ken study law extensively.

Is it possible that you could provide me with exactly what it is I have missed or am wrong about.

Im saying do your research its all over the internet my friend, theres many hours of this issue documented, even both parties giving their points of view on Richie Allens show. Don't you find the fact you don't know about any of this but have already drawn conclusions rather worrying? I've always liked Ken O'keefe hes eloquent and willing to fight for whats right but this was a big deal at the time and I think your very irresponsible to of not fully investigated it before advising other people on the matters.

I see? I think I will take you up on the advice. It has been a long time since I actually checked out Ken and you are right. I should be up to date. Thanks for the kick. It hurts, but it is also best.

Spoken like a true gentleman and warrior. Sorry for any misunderstandings your very noble to take a criticism and respond positively like that, a lesson many could learn on here. I'll follow you now and hopefully we can make something positive out of an initial negative , share knowledge. Thanks

The only thing I love as much as my family is truth. I am right now looking for the latest on the Ken, Max events. Everything seems to be from 2016. Got any suggestions.

Here is some documentary evidence that they meaning the mafia governments are trying to shoot the messenger.

Thats not documentary evidence that is simply Kens point of view. You havn't given the opposing point of view and I reiterate why was none of this mentioned in the original post. Its only because I happened to read the post and already know the background that this is being brought to light. Again one more time for you, it was Max Igan , Kens long time friend and another big name in the alternative community that raised these issues not "mafia Governments"

Just so you know I didn't write the post, but am really wanting to know what I have missed or how I am wrong? Not meaning to be a donkey about evidence or anything like that. What I want to know is what do you think I have done that is wrong?

P.S the letter Ken released that is supposed to be the threat of blackmail is on the site and documentary evidence. The content of the letter as far as I know has never been in dispute. Perhaps I could have been more explicit?

P.P.S I was referring to the bad press ken has been getting. When I said "they meaning the mafia governments" I was not referring to Max as I haven't' had a chance to check him out yet. To me in case you don't know the press is the talking horse of Government.

I made the point that it wasn't documentary evidence that he was under attack from "government mafia". It was simply his side of the story presented in a document. We can play semantics all day sir, I'm simply advising you to do research before jumping on the bandwaggon .... and I'm not singling you out I'm trying to address both the author of the post and the supporters of it like yourself. You decided to respond and engage with me so I'm dealing with your point of view. Theres no malice here, I hate divisions in the alternative community, fighting amongst ourselves is falling straight into the hands of those who want to destroy us. Thats why it was such a big news story at the time and was sad to see, but why would Igan do this without good reason has always been my thoughts? Make your own mind up but please make sure others you tell are in possession of all facts.

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