World Wi-Fi - The Future of Decentralized Free Wi-Fi

in #world6 years ago (edited)


Hello guys, thanks for reaching this article. Now i will explain about internet based project. When we talk about internet, we all know internet become so important in our life now days. Our life is dead if we do not have internet connecting to our device. Internet become the first main requirement after food as primary requirement. In modern era, internet also can be used to promote our business to attract more people to involve in it.

Time by time internet user is increasing in all over the world but not all of the world citizens is able to use internet because some some reasons. First reason is internet not free so the user need to spend some money to be able to connect to internet. So the people who do not have enough earning can not use the internet access though if they want to. So the project based on internet now is built to solve that problem so the all world's citizens can use the internet access. So now we are lucky there is project based blockchain will cover this problem, that is called " World Wi-Fi ". So lets start explain the project detail.

What is World Wi-Fi?

As we know there are other project similar with this World Wi-Fi before, so to be honest this project is not the first idea in this field but this project has more realistic concept. World Wi-Fi is the decentralized free wifi network based blockchain. As we know that all project works based blockchain become so popular this time because the project would be so transparent, easier and faster. Other reason why World Wi-Fi needs blockchain is the project use blockchain to store the all important information on payment and account. All member of the network such as developers, advertisers and investor have an account and all trusted information is stored in the blockchain. World Wi-Fi is fully supported by Wetoken so all transaction is held in Wetoken. So when all transaction find the deal, all transaction will guarantee to be sent from the smart contract. Please visit the website, ANN Thread and also watch the video for more information.

What is Purpose and How it Works?

Internet specially wi-fi has include in our daily life. In my place, i can say all of the young people who the new generation has involve in internet or wi-fi for any kind of reason. No internet in one hours is like suffering for one months, that is what people feel. Now all will be very easy with World Wi-Fi project. So the purpose of this project is to give the very easy and free access to all world's router users. This is really great purpose to help the people who have trouble with spending money to their internet access.

All project of course has planning in how they will realize the work of the project. The World Wi-Fi will give us an free internet or wi-fi access if we can connect it to our home routers. Its sound very strange on they can realize their goal, but exactly its very simple.
Firstly, we need to connect our home router's account with World Wi-Fi connection. All router users can participate in the party with free of charge. After connecting, the users only needs to see some advertising from advertisement which already have agreement with router owners. So with this, the the users can get free of charge, router owners get remuneration of the advertiser and the advertiser can get the efficient tool to reach their target in the term of improving their product. So all get their benefit right?


Well, for me team is the most important thing beside the idea. without good experience team, it is impossible to make the project success. So every project need to involve the really best and experience team if they want their project successfully. How about World Wi-Fi's team? has 20 experience people of team include the 8 advisors. It is not about the quantity of the team but all about the quality and experience. With 20 experience people in blockchain, i am sure the project will have success in the future. I have so great news about the project's team, i think everybody know the very best expert in blockchain called Vladislav Martynov, he is become the Co Founder of the World Wi-Fi.

Vladislav Martynov is the Head of Ethereum Competence Centre, Co-founder of Yota Devices and the founder of BlockGeeks.. Please visit website for more information.


This is the proof that many people are interesting into the project or not. How we check it? In my opinion, check the telegram group is the best way that i know. Why telegram? why not other? As we can see, in telegram group the investors can ask all detail about project so the amount of member is reference for us to know whether the project attract many people or not. All potential investors will have very active conversation with the team. In telegram also we can see how active, how serious is the team manage the project. Their telegram group has more than 46,900 members. That is not less amount but huge amount. Imagine that if the all of them are the strong supporters behind this project, so the project will bring successfully story. it is a proof that the hype around project is high. Feel free to join the telegram

Beside of that, World Wi-Fi become known project among the investors because the project has been promoted in many sites. As we know the advertising system is the most great way how to improve the interesting of the investor with the project. No good advertising system means the no success for its project. World Wi-Fi has been released news such as in Forbes, Cointelegraph, CCN and many others sites.

World Wi-Fi also has been a partner with great platform such as Asus, Cusco, Mikrotik, Dokkur and also many others. This proof of World Wi-Fi has very great advertising and partnership. Please check the website for more detail.

Other information, World Wi-Fi gain so many great rating from many credible website such as Icorating gives this project Stables+ rating, high hype and low risk. The other rating website also gives very high rating. Its a proof too that the project has high hype and plus value as reference before investing in the project. Please check website and the picture below.


Finally, every project has their own risk so please do your own research before joining the project. I just share my opinion about the World Wi-Fi project and i think it is great project with low risk involve in it. Now only less than 2 days left to join the token sale so just be hurry. That is my opinion so what is your opinion?


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Thank You


Thank you for a good article

you are welcome

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

In my place, i can say all of the young people which the new generation has involve in internet or wi-fi for any kind of reason.
It should be people who instead of people which.

oke thanks for information. i will change it now.

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