So You Love Your Job?

in #workaholic7 years ago (edited)

OMG! Don't I cringe and go urgh when I hear someone says, "I love my work".

Give me a break.

These kind of people should live, eat and sleep in the office instead of bringing their shitload home. They got the word "home" all wrong!

"Home is where the heart is" so says the proverb and for them its the office.

Workaholics are sicko addicts and a mental case as far as I'm concerned.

Nobody loves their job okay and don't be a hypocrite and ever try to justify it. Its all about debt and that's another subject for another day.

I think I'll invent a word for these nuts -


Are You a Workaholic?

- WebMD
You might as well face it -- you’re addicted to work. Could your workaholism be hurting you?

On the seventh day, even God rested.

But for workaholics, the day of rest never comes. There is always one more email to read, one more phone call to take, one more critically important trip to the office that can't wait until Monday.

What happens in the office stays in the office.

~ George Giokas

Leave Work At Work

- Medium
There’s more to life than KPIs.

You did it again, didn’t you? Brought work home on your computer, on your phone and in your head.

You’re dressed in KPIs and promotion bait, constantly chasing the next career high while the essential parts of your life hit new lows multiple times every work-week.

What work-life balance? Not when the dream of a corner office and an official car are constantly hanging in a balance. Not when weekends are the best time to get a headstart on next week’s work so you’re covered in glory on Monday morning while the guy in the next cubicle wonders why the boss always stops at yours to make small talk.

You’re the superstar, the poster-child of efficiency, the golden goose.

Congratulations, but all stars fade eventually and geese die, damn it. You wish you could, but you just cannot keep up forever.

And when you finally fall behind, who will be there to pick you up and remind you that there's more to life than power lunches, productivity mantras, personal branding and networking?

You will wake up someday and realise you weren’t there for smiles, genuine laughter, walks, late-night conversations about nothing, waking moments that end in sex, days that begin with a pillow fight and the ones that end with a bedtime story.

You will wish you could go back, but going back will not be an option.

So, for once, leave work at work. There’s a whole other life you’ve been missing out on and it’s the only one you have. Start catching up...damn it!


All by design and a form of enslavement by the masters.

Really enjoyed your post and gave you a little help, feel free to check my post on how i killed my life, I think you would enjoy it. Good stuff.

...thanks @gameywatchman ! I will check it out...promise!

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