How to be an Efficient Filmmaker (and Person): Part 3 – Set a Timer

in #work2 years ago

This article is also published on my Facebook page and my website,



A problem I had for a while was focusing too much on one task while neglecting others. I’d pour all my time and energy into writing a script and let my social media management slide. Or I’d spend days working on a shooting schedule while other aspects of a production were ignored. We’re all juggling several balls at the same time and one of the tricks to being efficient is figuring out how to balance them. I’m not a big believer in “multi-tasking” in the sense of doing more than one thing at a time. First off, I think it’s actually impossible to truly do two things at once without one getting the short end of the stick. This reminds me of one of my ex-girlfriends, who prided herself as a multi-tasker but couldn’t retain even the simplest idea if she was busy doing something else. No, I believe and suggest focusing on one thing at a time and what helped me was setting a timer.

While planning the 12 Westerns, I would set a timer for 30 minutes or sometimes less and for that length of time only devote myself to one thing. For instance, I’d work only on Facebook posts for a half hour. Once the timer ran out, regardless of how much I needed to or wanted to keep going, I moved onto the next thing on my list. That practice allowed me to give equal attention to the variety of tasks required to run a film production company: from development to pre-production to production, post, distribution, and marketing. It’s really that simple and that method has become a tool I use to this day.

Right now, I wake up in the morning and start a timer for 25 minutes. I focus on my emails and social media. It goes off. I do a set of sit ups and push ups. I set another timer for 25 and focus specifically on one Running Wild film project. Ring Ring. Another set of sit ups and push ups. 25 minutes, go. I work on editing the latest manuscript from Gus Edwards to get it ready for publication. Time’s up, another set of sit ups and push ups, shower, and get ready to devote the rest of my day entirely to my work in Nashville. This is just an example of how in a short period of time I’m able to handle most, if not all, my responsibilities. The timer can be set to whatever you want. When I’m not working an intense schedule as I am now, I might get it for an hour or two to focus on writing or reading. It’s always evolving with the situation but an essential tool which I recommend for staying organized and efficient.

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