How to be an Efficient Filmmaker (and Person): Part 2 – I Love Lists

in #work2 years ago


This article was also published on my Facebook page and website


The companion to my calendar is a series of lists I keep to track my tasks through the days, weeks, and months of work. These lists, as shown in the featured screenshot, vary from being project specific (The Tombstone Film Festival, my documentary) to personal/financial goals, and even one that keeps up with the movies I've seen/reviewed. As you can tell, I love lists. But I encourage you to find a similar appreciation for them because they are principal reason for my efficiency and organization.

For the film festival, I shared a list of "To Dos" in my notes app with John Marrs. Together, we could add tasks and check them off. We could edit details and constantly stay updated on our progress. I've created other shared lists with collaborators in the past. Some have been adopted. Others resisted. There was a direct correlation between those who did not use the lists consistently and the collaborations who failed to stay organized. In my experience, people who don't get with the program are always the problem.

As a brief segue, here's an example from the project I'm currently working on: A. The team uses Dropbox as its main sharing too. B. I can't stand Dropbox and have never found it to be a well-designed platform. C. I automatically subscribed to a paid plan and began conforming to their methods while continuing to also organize files on services I prefer, like Google Drive.

The point I'm trying to make is twofold: 1. Find the system of organization that works for you. Mine incorporates a detailed calendar, extensive task lists, and much more (to be described in the coming weeks). 2. If you're working on another project and you're not the head honcho, you better get with the program and incorporate their system into yours. If you're already organized and efficient, it won't be hard to adopt their methods. If you're not, well... good luck.

There are a few more things I'd like to say about making lists. One thing I love about the process is the feeling of checking off items as I go. There's a true sense of accomplishment in completion that wouldn't exist if items weren't listed and ready for checkmarks. Also, and especially using an app like notes on your phone, this practice allows me to write something down in the appropriate category as it comes to mind instead of trying to remember it. I have the memory of an elephant but things slip my mind all the time. That's why I always turn to the lists in my phone, to note what needs to be done and to mark off what I've already done.

More soon.

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