While everyone is partying...

in #work7 years ago



As I'm writing this, almost every neighbor I have is partying. I can hear music even tho I have headphones in my ears and I'm listening to my own music. I wonder if I'll be able to sleep with all this noise.

Everyone is having fun, everyone is drinking, dancing and partying. I'm sure a lot of people out there are doing the same things because they love doing it.

However, I'm sure that someone out there is working. I'm sure someone out there is doing something productive, trying to ignore the music, the party, the people who are having fun, and doing his or her best to come up with something for you.

They are working hard on a product, they are writing articles, creating videos or coding right now for you and doing their best to make as much progress as possible. They have a goal. They want to achieve something.

Partying isn't an option for those people. Taking a break isn't an option either. They are working as much as they can because they are determined to accomplish their goals no matter what.

I admire those people. I don't believe everyone should do the exact same thing but I have a lot of admiration for those who do. Being determined enough to ignore any type of fun just to work... that's impressive.

I think more people should have the same mentality. Again, I don't believe everyone should work 24/7, and I strongly recommend you to take a break from time to time because it helps your brain relax and come up with new and better ideas.

But imagine if more people would be determined to not party and just work. Imagine if more people would want something so bad that they are willing to avoid relaxation and just be as productive as possible.

If you're thinking about what to do in 2018, I believe one of the most important things would be finding a goal that you want to achieve so bad, you'd be willing to stay home and work instead of partying.

That's the type of goal that will keep you up at night, full of energy even if you've been awake for almost 24 hours, just to be a little more productive. This is something I want to achieve this new year. I want to find a set of goals that will make me work so hard, I'll forget about relaxing and wasting my time with useless activities.

I recommend you do the same, especially if you can find that type of goal in an area you like working. For me it's writing at the moment. For you, it may be something different. No matter what it is, try to think of exciting goals you want to accomplish and start working as soon as possible.

Make sure your goals are really exciting and that they motivate you to work really hard. This way you'll have higher chances of succeeding and accomplishing whatever goal you set at the beginning of this year.


Hard work pays off! I think even if we don't achieve the goal we desire in its entirety, there is still satisfaction in doing hard work in order to reach our goals. This year I want to be more productive over all, and tackle all task as they come in. For the last couple of years i felt that I procrastinated too much, always leaving things for later or tomorrow. I want to get out of that routine. Great post! Upvoted!

Hard work always gets you something. It may not be exactly what you want, but in time you'll always get rewarded for working hard. I as well want to be more productive this year, at least when it comes to learning new things. Last year felt like I was so focused on doing that I forgot I also need to acquire new skills and that kinda held me back. Hopefully this year is different.

Good luck with your achievements and thank you for the upvote! :)

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