Keep going even if you don't get the results you want

in #work6 years ago


When I first started uploading all kind of weird videos on YouTube around 5 years ago, I received no interaction on them. No likes, no subscribers, and if I ever received a comment, it was all hate and criticism.

However, after I spent around a year working on that channel, after I started uploading more decent things and after promoting the shit out of it, I started getting something in return for my work. People were subscribing, watching my videos, commenting, and I even managed to make money in time.

Then I started uploading things on Graphic River and Creative Market. I didn't sell anything at first. No one was interested in what I was doing, and my work was a lot worse than what I do now.

But I kept doing it. I started getting better, I started working a lot more, and even if my work still looks like something made by a beginner that doesn't really understand how things should be made, I managed to get some sales and even some money out of those websites.

Lastly, I started publishing on Steemit around a year ago. While I was lucky enough to receive some interaction at first and even some money, that didn't keep going for a long time. Once I reached a certain amount of followers and once my reputation went over 40 I think, everything stopped going so well.

I stopped receiving a lot of followers, I stopped receiving that many comments and money stopped coming in. My only chance of getting anything out of all the work I was putting in was spending hours every day on the internal market of Steemit hoping I can make the right choices.

Now, after a year, I'm not the biggest on this website and I'm not receiving the highest amounts of money. However, my situation improved a lot. I get followers almost every day, I make some money with my work and I am growing little by little.

What you should be understanding out of all this is that in a lot of situations, things won't work out as well as you'd like them to, at least not at first. It will be hard, people won't know you, some of them won't even like you, and you'll have a hard time achieving anything.

The most important part is to not give up. No matter how desperate your situation gets, you should keep working, improving and producing. It will be hard and it will take a lot of time, too much in some cases, but try to get over that.

Content and products is all that matters, and as long as you're capable of working every day, someone will discover you at some point and get you where you want to be. Maybe it won't happen today, tomorrow or even in a year, but it will happen in the future, and when it will, well, you'll be happy you kept working.


As so often, you speak from my heart. Persistence and consistency kids!

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