Forget about time

in #work6 years ago


I like to manage my time really well. I have a lot of interests, I have a lot of things that I'd like to do, things that are fun, things that are productive, and my ability to manage my time dictates how many hours I can spend doing everything.

And while all I said above is something that applies to my day to day life, I have to admit that once in a while, I have to make an exception, and forget about time. That especially happens when the quality of what I do can be influenced in a negative way by my lack of time.

For example, writing an article, while an easy task, can be really time consuming. Starting to write while thinking about how much time you have left, and how fast you should move, can quickly result in a poorly written article made out of need more than out of a desire to create.

Same thing can apply to design. Often, when you work on something graphical, be it a project in Photoshop, a 3D model or a drawing, the more time you invest into that particular project, the better the result will be. But how often can we invest as much time as we want into a project, without having to worry about other things?

You need time to create something good, and if you constantly worry about how many hours you have to invest into a project, or how much you should work every day in order to finish your work as soon as possible, or how much time you should spend doing nothing, then your work will suffer.

That's why, at least when it comes to creative work, you should sometimes forget about time, and focus on the work itself. Don't look at the clock, and even hide it if possible. How much time you spend working isn't as important as what you can achieve, and how much progress you can make.

Don't let time be a barrier between what you'd like to create and what you will actually create. When working on something you're really passionate about, let time be a variable that will determine your daily habits and routines, but not your working hours.

Sometimes, despite what people who are obsessed with productivity (including me sometimes) say, taking your time, forgetting about anything else and working just as much as you want, whenever you want, could be what helps you create better content.

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