Be proud of the little shitty things you create

in #work6 years ago


I always tell people who ask me about how I learned Photoshop about my first creation using that software - it was (supposed to be) a sphere. A 2D sphere. A circle with a bunch of Blending Options added to it in order to seem like it was more than that.

Thing is, that "sphere" was everything but a sphere. Actually, it wasn't everything. It wasn't anything at all.

It was a circle with a bunch of bad placed effects that made everything look really bad. What's funnier is that I failed at creating a sphere in Photoshop, despite the fact that I was watching a tutorial on YouTube.

Then, when I started learning how to build websites, I quickly realized things were even harder. I couldn't understand HTML, I had no idea how to use CSS and JavaScript always seemed too hard for me to learn.

I guess I don't have to say that my first "website" looked like something made by an 8 years old, with horrible code that repeated itself, with CSS elements that made no sense to be where they were and with crappy JavaScript all over the place.

I won't even mention drawing. Let's just say that nothing I ever tried drawing ended up looking good.

But I'm fairly happy I created those shitty things in the past, because those crappy projects I worked on, despite being horribly bad, helped me lay the foundation of what I know today.

From that bad sphere in Photoshop, I got to a point where I'm capable of creating all kind of photo effects within minutes.

While I'm not trying to build websites any more, all that HTML, CSS and JavaScript I learned years ago still helps me today, especially when having to deal with text formatting.

And while I'm still not good at drawing, I'm capable of creating small sketches for when I need a better understanding of what I want to create in Blender. It's a lot easier for me to understand how I need to build certain things if I sketch them first.

No one is capable of creating, at first, what they'd be able to create after years of practice. No one is born a master. You become one by creating shitty things all the time and learning from your mistakes.

So, be proud of your little shitty creations, and always try to learn from them.

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