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RE: One photo every day: At work, gluing samples. (46/365)

in #work7 years ago

You are doing a good job there! Its hard work!

Ah didnt knw one needed to formalize quitting religion. I thought you just did. Maybe it varies? Depending on the religion and country


Quitting religion in school and in general are two different things. If you want to quit religion in school you only have to fill in and return a form and you'll have ethics instead. Quitting religion in general means giving up for membership in a religious community. That's between you and the community. As a relic from the past, though, you have to check a box in your tax form if you belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, the Orthodox Church of Finland, Olaus Petri Swedish Church of Finland, or the German Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, and your membership fees will be go through the tax authority. The four churches are in a unique position to be able to levy a very minor tax on businesses, which is another relic that should not exist in a modern secular society, IMHO.

If you want to quit religion in school you only have to fill in and return a form and you'll have ethics instead.

That's not quite true either.

What I've learned from filling these forms is a student can't "just quit religion" whether in school or in general, it largely depends on their age, and if you are a member of a parish, the school religion teaching is mandatory.

The kids can't fill any of these forms unless they are over 12 years of age, and even then the parents will have to give their approval and sign the form as well if they are under 15. If the kid is under 12 it's the parents who must fill the forms for them.

So in short, if you are a kid under 15, the decision to swap religious teaching in school for ethics is ultimately not theirs to make if their parents aren't happy to go with it.

Right. It is interesting that you will have to resign from your parish before you can switch to ethics from religion. It is actually quite strange. And yes, the kids themselves can't make that choice on their own.

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