RE: Hey Asshole, Stop Working More Than Us, You Get Paid Too Much!
Well someone that was up beat and has been around for a lot longer than that said she thinks she'll stop for a bit. It is pretty harsh.
Also as to me going after Bernie. I tend to always chime in on these flagging posts. I generally do not name a specific person until they step forward and engage me. My big post came after Bernie decided to throw insults and ad hominems my way. He didn't read that. He admits to not reading quite a few things he down votes. I really don't ever believe he is likely to change. Let's just say it is not very probable (leaving a rare chance it happens), but others besides him I think there is still a chance they might start to get how their short term goal they think is positive likely has long term goals that are a much bigger negative than what they thought they were stopping. I do not believe most of them are doing it for malicious reasons.
Yet there are consequences... When you are powerful enough you are flying above the land you might not see so clearly the perspective of those as a lower altitude when you swoop down to do what you consider a correction, but your target and others view it as an attack.
Are they both right? From their own perspectives yes.
When it comes to PR and marketing, perception is all that matters.