My STEEM Word Cloud - March 20, 2018

in #words6 years ago


My STEEM Word Cloud

March 20, 2018

I was reading my feed this afternoon when I came across this post by @detlev. It was about a fun tool on STEEMReports where you can create a Word Cloud of the most utilized words associated with a given STEEM account. Here is my STEEM Word Cloud as of today... It looks like I write too much about drinking beer...

Thanks For Reading!

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@jeffjagoe - Cool post. Boy, have you been busy since I last checked! I can't wait to check this one out. I think it's worth a resteem. :)

Thanks a lot for the resteem my friend! You should make one for your account as well

I did, but you already took the good words - Hha! I got the boring ones :(

Nothing wrong with that Jeff! Cheers! :-D

Lol, that's some fun. Let me see what mine will bring about.

If this were a mind control technique then I could do with a Steem Beer LOL....Peace and Love.

Hahaha really beer is a good, refreshing theme. Greetings from Venezuela dear friend.

Excellent friend @jeffjagoe really that this tool is very fun and practical, perfect to entertain a while writing words that you like the most. Well, if most of your words have to do with beers and that is a good friend, they are pure real words. But I think I miss a word YANKEES OF NEW YORK.

Perhaps when baseball season comes around I will write more about the Yankees. Only a couple weeks away!

excellent friend, I am looking forward to the season to see the games that broadcast from them on TV or online

Friend, I really apologize for commenting on this again, but I wanted to know if you were going to help me with the publication of school bullying. It is that I know that when you publish it, the message will reach more people and more people will see it, besides that it will surely go well with respect to votes, as well as the publication of the dogs. It would be great help again for my friend. The publication is already in English but it was because it used the familyprotection label, but it did not get good results, but I am sure that when you publish it, you will be able to see it many more people.

haha -- the word that really stood out to me was "alcohol volume". I bet there aren't too many folks here on Steemit with that word so prominent! Cheers -- to the alcohol volume! ; )

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