Five ways to monetize your WordPress blogging website

in #wordpress4 years ago (edited)

Blogging has evolved with time and has become more than a hobby. It has become one of the most popular forms of content expression and consumption.

Businesses are using blogs as a marketing tool and influencers and experts are using blogs to build their brand as content creators. In fact, many of them have a multi-channel presence.

Bloggers often have a widespread digital footprint that includes websites, mobile apps and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and more.

WordPress remains a popular choice of bloggers around the world when it comes to creating a website. Whereas free app makers are being used to create apps and enter the app industry.

However, whatever the initiative is, conversions and monetary gain remain significant for all brands. If you have also established your blogging brand, you must start making efforts towards monetizing it.

Today, we are here to share some techniques and tactics that can help you monetize your WordPress blogging website. Stay tuned and know all about it!

Five strategies to monetize your blog website  

Follow the tricks listed below and ensure wider brand presence and profits:  

#1: Build an affiliate partnership

You can become an affiliate marketer and earn money with your blogging website. An affiliate partnership can also boost your brand image.

You can run affiliate ads and promote products and brand ideas that agree with your own brand image. This can be an amazing way to monetize your blogging website.

Suggested Read: Discover the A to Z of Affiliate Marketing for mobile apps

#2: Seek sponsorship and funding

Small and medium-sized initiatives are often backed by large enterprises. If your blogging business is blooming and has the potential to become a brand name, you can also earn funds.

You can also ask for sponsorship or funding from other brands and entities. You may also run paid promotions and ads on your website and earn money from it.

#3: Become an expert influencer

Content creators like to be identified as influencers is this age. You can use the same technique to capitalize on your followership and brand yourself as an influential content creator.

This will not only earn you more engagement and repute, but also earn you ample chances of monetization and cross-networking. Brands often form monetary partnerships with influencers and content creators.

Suggested Read: A to Z of influencer marketing for promoting your mobile app

#4: Start selling commodities

Do not limit yourself to creating content only. You can turn your WordPress site into an online store by enabling eCommerce features. This can be done using plugins like WooCommerce etc.

You can sell eBooks, audio books, PDFs, books, journals, and more. You can also sell merchandize and other products related to your nice and industry.

#5: Ensure high ROI with mobile app

Mobile app usage statistics depict that more people are streaming content on mobile devices. Apps have become a popular tool for content distribution and consumption.

You can also open many new avenues and attract success. Ensure higher ROI (Return on Investment) by creating an app that attracts mobile-friendly readers and consumers to your brand.

Suggested Read: Mobile app monetization: The ultimate guide to monetizing mobile apps

Create an app that attracts readers!

Earning online can become easier if you develop a full-fledged brand. It must be mobile-friendly as most of your potential customers are browsing and hunting for content on their smartphones.

Thus, you must create an app that is user-friendly and attracts readers to your blogs. Sounds overwhelming? Do not worry! AppMySite can make it a breeze.

Build an app with AppMySite without writing a single line of code. Convert your WordPress blogging website to an app or create an eCommerce app with blogs and CMS integration.

Take your business to mobile and enter the mCommerce industry with ease. Offer the best solution to your potential customers and build a brand name that stays with people!

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