ANOTHER SUNSET is my contribution to the "Word Poetry Challenge #8" which theme is "Sunset". (Bilingual)

in #wordchallenge6 years ago (edited)

Hello, dear steemians lovers of arts... Here I share a poem writing by me. It's a children's poem and I called It "Another sunset":

Another sunset

Do you remember a little while ago
the sun
it was winking its eyes to us
and made us sweat
like horses

Do you see how it's going now
and leaves its reminder,
painted with reds, oranges,
and a little bit of green?

You'll see that tomorrow
it will wake us up
with its warm
little kisses.

As since always,
this sun already so old today
it will becomes a child.

Hola, queridos amantes de las artes... Aquí comparto un poema escrito por mí. Es un poema infantil y lo llamé "Otro atardecer":

Otro atardecer

¿Recuerdas que hace un rato
el sol
nos guiñaba los ojos
y nos hacía sudar
como a caballos

¿Ves cómo ahora se va
y deja su recuerdo,
pintado con rojos, naranjas,
y un poquitín de verde?

Ya verás que mañana,
nos despertará
con sus besos

Como desde siempre,
este sol ya hoy tan viejo
se hará niño.


The texts were written and translated by me.

I took the gift from

Thank to @jassennessaj by creating and curating #wordchallenge, a Word Poetry Challenge.
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