Word Poetry Challenge #11: Home



The laughs of the children from the room,
the smell of the food that mom made,
the sound of the car that dad engage.

It was a sensation of peace and cozy morning,
We were ready to get down at the dining
Eating together with a happy tummy feeling
We shared laughs and memories,
Although our tummy is aching from laughing

It was a strong foundation that is very special for me,
and it will always mean the world to me
A very secure place to be.
It is a home will never replace a happy feeling for me.

But ten years after, it's not like the place I used to be
The people around these walls were missing just like a zap of a bee
the scream of the silence is what you will hear every time

People are growing and changing,
Brothers were leaving for their own families
Parents has been gone for eight months
Breaks my heart, seeing someone leaving one by one
And now I am the only one sitting at the dining chair
Eating some cold oats for morning rush

But even though everything is changed,
Those happy year were important to me,
it was the home that I will never forget,
the home that will never be a place
but a feeling that will cherish within me.


This is absolutely amazing piece @weirdestbrain! So much deep! :)

Thank you so much! I didn’t expect this

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