Word Poetry Challenge #7 : Memories

Somewhere between the fall of one breath
and the gasp of the next
A song is woven
in sullen notes

Serenades of every time
You held my worried hand
and whispered to no one in particular
"It'll be okay..."

I would sigh
convinced in the comfort
of sentimental reassurances

That memories will be made
as long as there is time to make them

Looking back on all those days
that slipped like satin
into long and quiet nights
Fueled by foolish, lustful youth

A hunger to make it eternities
The knowledge that it
would be

With sureness that no mortal man
has any right to possess

Perhaps unwilling to know
That time for making memories
Will always


Image credit to Pixabay!


Great poem @stitchybitch. Is the word challenge open to everyone?

Ah. No chance I was going to make it then @stitchybitch as I was just off to bed when I left the comment! 😁

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