" Word Poetry Challenge #2 : Blue Sky "

But im not sure if that would be a happy day.
I am used to have my birthday celebration happy and gay,
But now it seems that it will become a mourn day.
But on that particular day someone has fallen.
Its very hard to imagine,
That on my birthday I was stolen.
I was really happy when the sun starts rising,
The atmosphere, the people, the feeling,
My birthday was really fun and thrilling.
I started crying,
I started trembling,
I started holding her hand because she was shaking.
And waited for them to response.
I always gave her a glance,
Did not release her hand even just once.
She started to cry.
Telling me to look at the blue sky,
Whenever I will miss her and whenever she will die.
Medications has been applied,
Treatments and everything they already tried,
But it was too late because mom already died.
But I will always remember,
What mom said whenever i'll miss her,
To look at the blue sky because she'll always be there forever.
I went to the park to have some relaxation.
I saw a balloon vendor,
And bought one with a red color.
And letting the balloon fly.
Seeing the sun shine,
Makes me realize that mom will never say goodbye.
Because I always see mom motivating me.
Even if shes not here beside me,
She'll always be in my heart and mind everlastingly.
This poem is really deep. Based on true life ni omar?
Dili man ate hehehehe @chastityyy110
Waa. Amazing @omargnavarra. You guys are really talented!
Thank you very much kuya @jassennessaj 😁